parmesan is a topping (babysitting part 2)

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If you think Joe Mazzello looks cute in Jurassic Park then you need to watch Radio Flyer*warning: crying is guaranteed* it's such a good movie he's about six in this movie maybe even just five but he acts so well for being so young. Oh eight year old Elijah Woods is in this movie. P.S their just so darn cute.
"Come on mommy I need to pee pee"  Aidan said. "Shhh she's getting ready for her date" Griffin said giggling. Griffin had gotten alot better by the afternoon and now he was almost normal except he was more giggly than usual. You opened the door and Aidan nearly knocked you down. Corey walked out their room wearing a pink dress. "You look pretty momma" Griffin said. "Thank you Finn you sure you feel ok" you said crouching to his level. He nodded. You got up and walked over to Corey "did you dress yourself?" You asked. She nodded doing a twirl her pink skirt fluttering around. You smiled she looked at you and smiled "you look like a princess mommy, I think prince Deacon will like it" she said as you picked her up. you chuckled at her words " now Mr. Deacon is a friend Darling" you said. "Is that why he turns red whenever he looks at you" Aidan asked. You shook your head. You all walked to John's apartment which was just a small walk down stairs. "can I do it" Corey asked. you nodded she stretched her arm to knock on John's door. "Just a minute" you heard John's voice say. He opened the door. He was wearing a long sleeve dark red shirt tucked into high waisted black pants. Corey while in your hands jumped into John he grabbed her in surprise. "Corey I'm sorry John I don't know what's gotten into her" you said. He laughed "it's Ok". Corey looked at him "he looks like a prince mommy a real life prince " John laughed carrying her in his arms. "This way pardon the mess" he said. He put Corey down "here let me get that" John said taking your coats. He got to you his face red "thanks you said you looked at each other for a little too long. "Spaghetti!!!!!" You both turned your head at Aidan excited voice. You both chuckled he looked at you "do you want to help me set the table" he asked. "Sure". You were setting out the plates and John set out the utensils. "What's this" Griffin asked John. "Oh it's a record player" John said. "Mommy used to have one" Griffin said examinating the record player. "Would you like to play some music" John asked. Griffin nodded John smiled "this is my favorite" he said putting on Frank Sinatra in the wee hours of the night. The dinner was quite nice except for when Corey put almost all of  John parmesan on her spaghetti and when Griffin and Aidan were arguing which was better astronauts or Pirates. It started to getting late so you went to put your kids to sleep. You about to leave with Griffin asleep in your arms. "Thanks for dinner sorry about Corey it was delicious" you said. He smiled "don't worry about it I don't really like parmesan that much" you chuckled. There was a peaceful silence "I do hope you come to Aidan party" you said. He looked into your eyes "I wouldn't miss it" he said kissing your hand. You blushed "mommy" Corey said tugging on your dress. "I've got to go if not she'll get cranky good night John" You said. "Goodnight Ad, Finn, Corey And good night Y/N".

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