time travel part 4

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You desperately grabbed Katie afraid she'd might pass out. "Calm down breath" you said walking to a table far from where everyone else was. "Calm down calm down how can I when there's fucking Freddie fucking Mercury alive in the flesh preforming in front of my eyes I must be really drunk no I must be fucked up! Really fucked up but you saw him too and oh god my head hurts" she said she proceeded to grab random left over drinks and down them. You looked at elexis "I'm just as confused as you are Katie". Katie whined "so what do we do?". You shrugged "wing it I guess it couldn't hurt as long as we don't blow our covers can't let anyone know we're from the future". "But look at us how we're dressed" Katie pointed out. You thought about it. "Hmm well I see it they won't get done preforming for a while and the party doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon so... how much money do you have on you" you asked your friends "both of us" elexis ask. "Yes". Elexis checked her pockets "I have a life saver a coupon to a sushi bar oh a nickel and 10..11..12..13 dollars". Katie took out ten five dollar bills. You smiled "perfect I've got twenty bucks" you took both your friends hands. "Perfect what's perfect?" Katie said confused "my dear Watson if we're going to be in the seventies we must dressed like we're in the seventies. "Oh god don't make me put on wedged heels". Katie said. You smiled this was going to be fun.
*I know queen is in England and I put American currency on here but I didn't know how to make it work *
It was weird you didn't have to change your clothes but Katie and Elexis most definitely did and the look on the face of the woman who was working at the first store you went to was priceless. Elexis went with a short black dress and black boots. "Ooo very Aubrey Hepburn" you said "give us a turn work it girl I love it now let's see you Katie... Katie" you said. "I haven't found anything" she said. You sighed elexis rolled her eyes paying for her clothes. "Yes you wouldn't have any clothes that are more masculine my other friend she enjoys more masculine clothing" you asked the cashier. Confused she said "I see well we do have looser fitting jeans and some button up shirts." You thanked the woman and Katie came out happy in her loose pants and tucked in white button up.

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