Chapter Four

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        "We should shpar!" Dove slurred, grinning.

        "Not in that state, you don't." Ruby laughed from her place on the wall. Every Sunday they went to the garden wall to hang out and somehow Cardin managed to refill that flask most weeks. She had no idea how he managed it when he couldn't even buy the alcohol himself. After that first experience she took even smaller sips and stayed mostly sober. "Tomorrow, though."

        "You just know you'll loooooooose!" Dove grinned.

        "Yup. I'm so scared I'm going to wait until you have better coordination." She laughed, laying down and looking up at the clouds. After a few weeks of this and seeing that she wasn't going to turn them in for a little rule breaking, they had finally accepted her as a friend as well as leader.

        Cardin laughed and pushed Dove over, laughing harder as the drunk boy flailed his arms and still fell over. "Hey!"

        Ruby glanced over as Cardin shushed everyone and picked up an rock. The street below was usually quiet so it was almost surprising when they saw someone walking by. She grinned, wondering whether this one would scream at the sudden noise like that last lady.

        Cardin wound up and threw the rock, striking the person on the arm. Ruby sat up as the person below grabbed their arm and looked around, dog-like ears flattening against their head.  "I thought you had better aim than that! You hit someone!"

        "No, I hit something." He smirked. "What are you all worked up about it's not like I hurt a real person."

        "WHAT!?" She was off the wall in an instant and had punched him before she was fully aware of her intentions. "I don't know what kind of twisted jerk told you something like that but I better not EVER hear you say anything like that again! Got it!?"

        Dove and Sky stared at her, stunned. Cardin glared, ignoring the swelling around his eye that would soon darken to an impressive bruise. "Why are you so worked up? It was just a faunus."

        "What makes you so sure they are different from us? There were some at Signal and there are a few at Beacon, when I've talked to them they have always been really nice but scared. Scared of being treated like that." She glared back, not giving an inch as he stood up and looked down at her just as defiantly. "You have no right to treat them like that and I won't stand by and let you."

        "Yeah? What are you going to do?" He asked. "We've had some different experiences, kid. They may be more like humans than their ancestors but they ain't human. They're not as good as us."

        "Not as 'good' as a guy who has no problem hurting strangers?" She huffed. "What would you do if I told you Dove was secretly a faunus, huh?"

        "What?" Dove looked between them, confused and suddenly unnerved.

        "He's not." Cardin said confidently.

        "Are you SURE he isn't hiding a tail?" Ruby pressed. "What if he was? Could you think less of him after getting to know him as well as you have? Huh?"

        "How can you defend them after all the damage the White Fang has been doing?" He demanded, sidestepping her question.

        "What, there aren't human criminals and extremists? Are those people better just because they have different reasons for doing the same things?"

        "I thought we could trust you." Cardin snapped.

        "You can. You can trust me to keep harmless secrets, join in on pranks that are funny but not dangerous, stand by your side in a fair fight, risk my life to save yours, and defend innocent people. If you put innocent people in danger I will get in the way. You better remember that because it won't change."

        Dove and Sky stood silently as the two argued and when Cardin spun and walked away, they wavered, took a few steps, then stopped and returned to Ruby. The unpleasant scene had left all of them tense and sober.

        "Sorry about that, guys... I really didn't mean to hit him it just kinda... happened..." She sighed and sat heavily, only then realizing Crescent Rose was in her hands. She quickly put her weapon away and looked up at her unnerved teammates. "Sorry..."

        "He deserved it." Sky said reassuringly as he sat next to her.

        "I'd like to think if I did something that stupid you'd speak up." Dove agreed.

        "Thanks. I meant what I said, though. I'll always be here for you guys if you need help. I know I'm probably not the best leader but I'll keep trying."

        "You're a great leader, Ruby." Dove smiled and wrapped an arm around her, helping her up. "Let's go back to Beacon, alright? Cardin will calm down and realize you were right."

        "Thanks, guys." She hugged the two and cheered up quite a bit after Sky slipped off and caught up a few minutes later with a box full of goodies from a bakery. No amount of unhappiness could stand in the way of a brownie swirl double chocolate chip cookie.

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