Chapter Twelve

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        They went for evening walks more often in the months after that, sometimes just her and Mezza, sometimes the whole team. She still had trouble understanding the new girl but it was also hard to want to get to know her better after what happened with Cardin.

        The others were concerned about her growing depression but there wasn't much she could do to ease their worries. She did her best to pretend she was fine but it didn't work with the people who knew her well.

        She and Mezza were wandering downtown one night, the girl periodically handing her a cookie in an attempt to lighten her mood, when they heard a commotion not far away. Mezza grabbed her hand and pulled her along to find out what was going on.

        When they turned the corner she saw the all too familiar suits of the henchmen, the flash of orange hair and white coat... It was them.

        Mezza fell into a fighting stance and shouted. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

        Torchwick turned, his unconcerned expression became one of amusement as he focused on Ruby. He completely ignored Mezza and motioned for his men to keep going but pick up the pace. They were emptying a weapon shop's contents into a van.

        Ruby felt Mezza tense to charge and grabbed her arm. "No."

        "What?!" Mezza swung around to stare at her in disbelief. "Come on! We can take these guys!"

        "No." She repeated with some effort. Mezza was right and that ate at her. Working together she had no doubt they could take out the whole team... she could take down Torchwick before he could kill anyone else. It took every ounce of her willpower to step back, pulling Mezza with him.

        "Are you insane? You're going to let them get away with this?" Mezza demanded.

        He raised an eyebrow and smirked as the last of the men piled in the vehicle. "Thanks, Red! Nice to see you again!"

        Waves of rage washed over her as he blew her a kiss with his free hand while he held on to the side of the vehicle speeding away from them with the other. It was a moment before she realized she wasn't breathing and Crescent Rose was in her hands. She forced herself to take slow, deep breaths. Reminded herself that she would accomplish nothing by chasing them down and seeing how many pieces she could cut that man into.

        "Ruby..." Mezza said, watching her from a safe distance. "Are you okay?"

        "No. I don't think I ever will be." She said softly, putting her weapon away.

        "So, what just happened?" She asked uneasily, watching Ruby as if expecting her to lose control at any second. "Why did you help them?"

        She cringed, not wanting to think of it in those terms but they could have shot out the tires of the van and at least prevented those people from increasing their collection of weapons.

        "I've run into them a few times in the past." She admitted, turning to head back to Beacon. Once Mezza was walking beside her she continued. "I got in their way one time too many and... If I interfere again they will have me killed. I know we could have stopped them but that wasn't the whole group and they are watching, waiting for me to do something. I hate it but there isn't anything I can do."

        "So you're just going to do nothing." She said distastefully. "A true huntress is fearless, willing to risk her life for the greater good."

        "I'm not a huntress yet! I'm a student!" Ruby snapped as tears welled up. She was shocked at how much it stung to hear the words spoken out loud. They circled her mind almost constantly and had been ever since her hospital stay. "What good will it do for me to attack one small portion of a large organization knowing I won't survive long afterward even if I win the battle? These aren't honorable people, they would find a way to kill me even if it meant others died, too. I want to go after them so bad it hurts but I can't do it until I'm fully trained and have everything I need to actually make a difference!"

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