Chapter Nine

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        Cardin stopped going to the 'tutoring' sessions after that conversation. He spent more time away from the team and then one day they returned from dinner to find his quarter of the room empty.

        "What...?" Ruby stared at the abnormally pristine bed, stunned.

        "Did he say anything about leaving to you?" Dove asked uncertainly.

        "No." Ruby shook her head and spun back toward the hall. "He must have gotten expelled or something but even then he would have said something or left a note..."

        She left Dove and Sky behind as she ran to the Headmaster's office. The door was open and Professor Ozpin didn't even look up as she skidded to a stop just inside.

        "Hello, Ruby. Have a seat."

        "What happened?" She managed as she dropped into the chair across from him and started to catch her breath.

        "Mr. Winchester has withdrawn from Beacon. We are remaining alert for possibilities for your new partner. There are a few transfer requests now under consideration."

        "Why? I don't want a new partner! Why did he leave?"

        "I asked the same question. Why leave? He seemed to be improving in more than simply skill and information retention. All he would say is that he had personal reasons. If you believe your team is strong enough with only three members I will not force a fourth upon you but it would be wise to at least meet and consider possible replacements."

        "Why didn't he tell me?" She asked weakly, angry with how upset she was. He annoyed her a lot, his arrogance as almost intolerable sometimes but he was her friend... The only one who really understood what happened and he had abandoned her. The partner that was supposed to be by her side for the duration of their time at Beacon...

        "I'm sorry, Ruby." He said softly. "I did try to convince him to stay."

        "Was he sad? Did he seem upset about anything?" She asked, grasping for anything that would make sense of this.

        "Not openly." He sighed, shaking his head. "He looked determined. I would like to think he will change his mind and return."

        She nodded, dragged herself up and trudged out of the office without saying goodbye. He said he had a plan... To leave it to him...

        He changed his mind.

        She froze as the thought rose from the chaos in her brain. He couldn't have... He wouldn't be so stupid...

        She pulled out her scroll as she started running and sent a message to what was left of her team. "Front gates now or I go alone."

        They were closer than she was and she meant it. She had promised if she went running off she wouldn't go alone. As much as she didn't want to involve them, she had to make good on that promise.

        As expected they were waiting and fell in beside her since she didn't slow down to talk to them. She wasn't sprinting this time, pacing herself for the distance. "I may know where to find him... Have to see..."

        Dove watched her with concern but said nothing. When they were a couple of blocks from the warehouse she slowed to a walk to make sure she was ready if there was a repeat of the last visit there.

        "Why would he be out here?" Sky asked as he looked around at the long street of industrial buildings and cookie cutter warehouses.

        She sighed, slowing her walk even more. How much could she safely tell them? "I'm probably wrong. I hope I am. I wasn't entirely honest with people after that attack. I know where I was attacked and I think he might be there. Just... Wait here and come if you hear a fight. If I'm wrong I'll be back in a few minutes and we'll talk about the future of the team on the way back."

        "Whether you are right or wrong we should be with you." Dove pointed out.

        "If I'm right... guys... I don't want you involved any more than necessary. Please just trust me and don't come closer unless you hear a shot." After a moment and a silent consultation they nodded. Dove looked upset, though he remained in place, she headed for the warehouse hoping to find it empty, hoping to find him waiting to explain, hoping for anything... And nothing.

        He wouldn't have joined them... couldn't have after everything that happened. He wouldn't betray her like that. She cursed silently as she saw one of the small doors in the side of the building was ajar. Not a good sign.

        She opened it only as far as she had to in order to slip in, taking slow steps forward as she surveyed the room. There were lines of crates, each marked with the Schnee company logo, but no sound of movement, no sign of life. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. After a moment she turned and the door clanged shut, the sound echoing to announce her trapped status. Standing between her and the door was Roman Torchwick, his expression serious but his eyes betraying his amusement.

        "You aren't very good with instructions are you, Red?" He asked, taking a step toward her.

        "I'm not here because of all this. I don't care. I just want to know where Cardin is. Why he left." She said, standing her ground.

         "Well, he's not here. But... I may be able to put your mind at rest." He smirked and spun his cane casually. "He joined up. Off at headquarters being trained. If he had any dreams of betrayal, which I figured was likely, it'll be taken care of. And he left because of you."

        "What? No! I would never have wanted him to!" She protested.

        "We don't always get what we want, do we?" He laughed, mocking her pain at the thought of him becoming just another thief. "Yeah, he came to us begging to take him in, to spare the one person he cared about as much as himself. I voted we just leave you crippled, incapable of turning on us later. He can be persuasive, though. He got hold of the right ears and convinced them that if he was accepted you would behave yourself. You wouldn't interfere. He claimed you really learned a lesson from our last visit. I don't believe him. I think you're an idealistic little fool. Unfortunately they insist you be given a chance. If you want to honor the memory of your departed friend, you'll run along and kill Grimm for the rest of your days. Keep your nose out of human business. Got it?"

        She nodded numbly. He grinned and stepped back to open the door for her. "Watch yourself, Red. I won't hesitate to take you out if you get involved again. He can only shield you so much. He also insisted I make it known that if you turn on us it will only be you who suffers for it. Your family and friends are safe as long as they keep out of it, too."

        Ruby walked quickly through the door, not wanting to give that man the satisfaction of seeing the tears that welled up. He sacrificed his freedom, his future... Cardin was gone.

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