Chapter Thirteen

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        That night she snuck out of the room after her team fell asleep. She left a note under her pillow knowing that if she died they would find it when cleaning her stuff out. She felt bad but it wasn't right to get them killed because she couldn't ignore people like Roman Torchwick.

        No one stopped her. After what she had said she had no doubt Professor Ozpin wouldn't abandon her. Surely there was someone following, watching. It would have been nice to have confirmation but if this was going to work she would have to indulge in that uncertainty and pretend she had no hope of backup. She was going to die... but she wasn't going alone.

        She was familiar with the city after all their walks so she considered the best places to go, the best way to do this. First she walked to the docks and sat at the end of the pier. It didn't take much effort to look unhappy as she silently cleaned Crescent Rose and made sure it was in good repair. She knew it was, of course, but she had to let the spies see. This would give the Professors time to prepare as well.

        Once she had finished that she stood and headed for the warehouse that started all this misery. Half an hour later she was glaring up at the big rolling door that formed the better part of the front wall. She took a deep breath, pulled out Crescent Rose and started running. Sparks flew as she hooked the blade under the door and wrenched, pulling it through the screaming metal in a curve. On the far side she angled down again and smiled as a large portion of the bottom of the door fell away to reveal the stolen items within.

        She didn't stop running, though. They would be after her now but she knew where she was going. It wasn't long before cars began turning on to the street behind her and occasional bangs alerted her that she was being shot at. Now and then she would tap in to her semblance to move forward and zigzag so she wouldn't be an easy target but she was making sure she could be tracked by everyone.

        On the edge of the oldest part of the city was a neighborhood most folks avoided. Bumpy streets, abandoned buildings, questionable residents... and a perfect dead end alley. She turned down that alley and spun at the end. Here she had some amount of control, they couldn't surround her and even if they did, it would put them too close to avoid her scythe. This was her best chance to survive.

        She stood waiting as cars skidded to a stop and the enemy gathered at the far end to decide the best method of attack. She watched the rooftops as well but it would be impossible for a sniper to remain hidden up there. No matter their course of attack she would have time to react.

        "They overestimated your intelligence, Red." Torchwick said as he stepped around the corner. He looked infuriatingly pleased. "What do you think you'll accomplish here? You're outnumbered and you've blocked yourself in. It'll just be a matter of time before you get tired. Even if you somehow get out alive you will be living on borrowed time."

        "You think you're telling me something I don't know?" She glared at him. Did he really think she hadn't spent the last few months going over this?

        "Kids just keep getting dumber these days." He said with feigned dismay as he gestured to one of the henchmen. This time his buddies were all dressed to match him, white suits, black hats and glasses.

        "Don't." The man said in a painfully familiar voice. She hadn't recognized him in the stupid uniform that made him just another anonymous goon.

        She tightened her grip on Crescent Rose. "I'm a hero, remember, Cardin? A hero can't ignore criminals... and a huntress can't let monsters roam free. I'd rather die than live with this always on the edge of my awareness. Him taunting me, knowing I can't do anything about it."

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