1. When i first met her

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Kriiiinnnng! Kriiiiing! Kriiiiing!

My alarm woke me up out of a deep sleep.

I smashed it right away as I slowly stare with one eye open; I was shock when I saw that it's already 8 in the morning so I rolled up to bed.

I did some of my daily routine like stretching up a little bit before finally hitting the bathroom door, well I don't exercise that much I don't even know why I just hate it but at least I'm not fat oops! I don't mean to offend anyone with my statement. I'm tall with a typical body built and a short black hair end of story.

It took me like a minute or two in the shower since I'm already late for work. Gross

I ran the stairs the fastest as I could, because I can't afford to miss the last bus trip to the city.

Thank God I arrived just a minute before it was all filled up with a bunch of peeps, I normally sit at the back part of the bus near the exit so I won't stuck in the middle for couple of minute with some chance passenger peeps. I glance on my Iphone to check the time it says 9 in the morning I hissed because I know this would take another hour ride.


I rise up my eyebrows and rolled my eyes back to the window view when I heard a girl voice trying to catch my attention. What does this girl want from me? I keep quiet and pretended I didn't not hear anything.

But she elbows me to my chest, now I don't have an excuse not to talk to her so I turned left to face to face her.

And then boom! There's a beautiful girl in corporate attire and has a long black shiny hair like what we often see in a shampoo commercial talking to me. Based on my mathematical theory she looks like a 20 plus girl from the city. Anyhow it won't change the fact that she's annoying.

"Anything I can help you with?" asked her in a very polite way I could.

"Nothing much. I just spotted you and your face is extremely worried, are you late for work as well?" she smiled at me like we've been friends for age.

"Uh-um" I answered. Showing how uncomfortable talking to a complete stranger.

I thought the conversation would end right there and there but she seems like she's in the mood asking questions.

"Today is actually my first day of work I'm pretty excited about it..." she added.

It really shows the excitement on her face but hold up a second did she just mention 'Are you late as well?' it took me a moment to think then I snapped when I figured out it's her first day, how could you be late? What a perfect move for someone who just got hired! If I were her boss I would fire her right away for being such a lazy ass.

"Good for you" I answered her without giving a stare.

You can't blame me for being sarcastic on her c'mon this isn't America to flirt around with some stranger.

I'm pretty sure some of you might think I'm a total pain in the ass to treat a girl like that. Geez! Fine I am if that's the case.

Native peeps here in The Philippines would rather be vigilant than being nice especially for someone you do not know actually, well before you disgust me and silently murder me can you just shut the hell up and let me explain? Alright! Let's all accept the fact that not all Pinoy are actually nice with their fellow countrymen AGAIN NOT ALL well not unless you're a foreigner for that matter.

"So what do you do for a living?" she asked me with so much curiosity in her voice

Wait up Seriously? This girl is getting in to my nerve I feel like she's interrogating me or something. This has to stop before I burst out my anger and yell at her face to shut her up.

THAT GIRL EMILYWhere stories live. Discover now