3. So its you

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It was late when I left the office and this cold dark street of Makati is perfect to walk with your partner, oh I would love to cuddle her and kiss her on the lips down to her neck or fuck in public if she would ask me to without giving a damn if we're doing Public Display of Affection.

However reality sucks because I don't even have one nor had *sniff sniff* though there are millions of reason to be happy so why being sad and lonely?

In fact I'm still wearing the same smile when my boss informed me of my promotion today how I wish I could tell it to someone but I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't mind to listen with this kind of story all she cares about is how Jackie Chan will kick some asses in the movie. Very awful mother! Kidding! I love her though.

"Someone seems blissful"

I immediately search around and trying to find where the voice were coming from.

"Who are you? Come out" I snapped.

"I'm just here"

"Where are you exactly?" I yelled because of annoyance.

How will I know? It's dark! If only not because of the moonlight this place would be wrapped of dimness. Fuck Meralco! Why there's no source of light here? If an executioner stabs me to death no one would ever find out!

"Will you please come out now because seriously I have a gun and if I find you I'd swear there is only one person will stand alive in this darkness and that would definitely me"

"Oh relax... will you shoot a gorgeous girl like me?" she teased me like hell.

I was surprised when she comes out. It was the girl I met this morning.

"So it's you!" I smirked.

"Yes. I'm glad to see you again"

"Well I'm not" I murmured.

"Sorry?" she said that with unsure tone.

"Oh it was nothing" then I start walking.

I don't know why but there is something with Emily's attitude I sort of liking her, probably because of her character that turns me on.

"Would you like to grab some coffee I know a good place?"

Oh hold up second a second did she just ask me to go coffee with her? That's weird for a girl really!

"Aggressive huh?" I teased her.

She waved her pointing finger at me "Nah-uh, so are coming with me?"

"Are you asking me to date you?"

"If that's how it sounded to you well maybe then"

Even if it's dark I can vividly see the smile on her face well I regret the chance to introduce myself properly when we first talk. Alright I'll take all the blame now and yeah I'm a total pain in the ass.

"Is that a yes?" she added.

"Well how can I resist?" smiled at her

"Even if you say no I will insist, come here follow me"

I follow her as she wishes. I have no idea where the hell she'll take me, all I care is at last there is someone be able to share my success today.

It took us a 10 minute walk when we arrive at STARBUCKS?? I hissed like a snake.

"So this is the place huh?" I'm starting to get pissed. If I only knew I should've asked her to go somewhere else and not in this place.

"You don't like it here?" you can really tell based on her tone she was feeling sorry to ask me to have coffee here.

And since I'm not a bunch of an asshole I still manage to smile even if it's against my will.

"No, I thought it was perfect" c'mon Jake stop telling lies you know that you don't like it here.

Damn! Lately I'm having a serious problem with my ego he was the main reason why I got fucked up with everything mostly. It feels like my ego is controlling me and talking to me, I'm glad we never get to a point of asking me to have an intimate sex with him because if he does I will shoot myself a gun right away!

"Are you okay?" she noticed me getting weird.

I blushed and look away.

"Uh-huh" I nodded.

She shook her head and rolled those beautiful eyes of her.

"Shall we?" she waved her hand telling me to hurry my ass and get a table for two.

While we're walking inside the coffee shop I couldn't stop thinking why is she doing all these weirdness. For someone you just met asking him out to have a coffee? I mean are all women turned out to be more aggressive than men lately? The last time I checked it's only 2014 but- never mind. Maybe the problem is not actually her but my suck old school life oh God!

I believe that I should take a reality check 101 class with the coolest Mom 'My mom' maybe she could teach me something aside from Jackie Chan film because I'm sick and tired of it.

Well I must say my mom is tough enough to handle everything after my daddy settled with other woman. And you know what I really like about her even if she's really hurt inside she can still manage to control her sadness into something positive, that is why I never see her devastated.

I admire my mom and how she sees life. Oh my before I cry a river I'll cut this off..

Then she snapped on my face "Hello??? I'm talking here the whole time and you're not listening... are you actually here or not?" she nags like my mom and it's very annoying.

"Oh I'm sorry what were you saying?"

"No not again." She put her hand on the forehead like face palm "Now I'm going to start all over again!" she hissed. And it turned me on; I like girls doing snake sounds it make me bulge down there.

(Yeah pervert! That's what I am! So stop laughing at me and continue reading bitch!)

"You don't have to... at least the last part perhaps?" I stare like a puppy. Sometime I wished I was a puppy. They're cute and loveable just like me.


"I'm asking what you want me to get you?" she asked.


She gave me another weird face. "They don't have it here"

"How would you know?" I smirked.

"Really? You want a slap? Do you? I can give you one now" She's even prettier when mad.

So I laugh like a jackass.

"Why are you laughing??" she raised up her eyebrows and shot me an 'I want to murder you' look.

"Nothing, can I have a Brazilian coffee then?" I answered her question before she really gets pissed.

"Nuts! Go find a table and let me get you something to drink"


We separate ways. She'll buy the drink while I will look for an empty table. Well I'd like to have coffee outside so I went straight there to know if there's an empty table and there is so I rush before someone else gets it.


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