2. Promotion

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I was about to walk in when I heard the voice of my boss talking to someone on the phone if you would ask me who it was I really have no idea.

"...Alright don't you worry"

I pressed my ear against the wooden door even though I couldn't hear the other voice he was talking on the phone, c'mon I'm not an expert to do that or should I say can anyone do that without using technologies?

So I knock.

"Who's in there?"

Someone's in a good mood and I can really tell that. He probably hooked up some gay ass in his apartment last night actually that was the reason why I even here however we never had sexual attachment because I'm not gay but he was. I'm not kidding my boss is one hell of a fag... He can get anything he wants but not me! No not a chance.


Anyway we met him in the bar somewhere in Makati I was with my high school buddies that night to chill then he move towards us and introduce himself out of the bloom. We are all frightened by his presence.

Due to influence of alcohol he pointed me "YOU!" he said.

"Me?" answered him with hesitation.

"Yes! Fuck me I'll give you money!" he yelled like hell.

That time all I want is to choke him to death for putting me in that awkward circumstances how could you ask some random guy to fuck you in public? My boss must be sick bitch.

So I stood up and grasp his collar "What are you saying?"

"Oh c'mon name your price" he chuckled.

"You are sick mother effer!" I smacked my hand to his face plus I couldn't remember how many punches I've tossed him.

The bouncer held my wrist to stop me from throwing punches.

"Don't you even dare stop me or it will launch at you instead" I told the bouncer.

"What did you just say?" then he hit me in the head.

I hate my mom! Why she never teach me not to mess around with bouncers!! Huhuhu... I can really feel a long cranny line in my skull! That big guy wasn't joking! Help! Somebody help me! Hahaha..

After the punching scene he apologize to me for acting crazy and promised me it won't happen again well he better be not because I'd be in jail next time while he was in the interment surrounded by tears if you know what I mean.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here, is there anything I can offer to be forgiven?"

"How about a Job? Do you know any?" asked him in calmly voice.

I knew that time he can help me with that because if we base it on his appearance he doesn't look like a so-so-guy from the street. I wonder why I didn't study BS Psychology instead since I have a serious talent in analyzing people.


"Perfect!" he said.

And when he found out I'm currently looking for job he propose if I could be part of his newly opened publishing company as a writer well it's my dream to be a successful writer and I thought it was a good idea to accept his offer and besides I can be an asset in his company since I took up Bachelor of Arts while he was a Business Management graduate a long time ago.

"You're perfect... You can come to my office so we could discuss this"

Then that's the story...


"It's me Jake sir..."

"Come in..."

I was really confuse when he let me inside, normally he would throw shit at me if I have done something wrong although today is different don't tell me he will ask me out again? Noooo! Why this fag is my boss?

"Have a sit"

"If you would ask me to hang out with you sir better not because I'm tired of repeating that there's no chance of you and me"

He gave me a weird face. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but that's not why you're here"

"Good" I was about to take a sit when he hand me a folder and a white paper inside.

My whole body was trembling it was like a drama scene when the lead role found a folder full of documents that would make his life different that's what I'm feeling at the moment... is he going to fire me? But why? What did ever do to him? Is it because I always say No every time he asks me out? Oh no! What I'm going to do?


"Take a look" he said.

An intense musical scoring slowly fading in. I feel uncertain to open the folder and the musical scoring began increasing at the same time.

My heart beats fast, and almost running out of air.

I gulp. If I didn't open it there's no way of finding what's behind it.

When I'm finally strong-willed to see it I gradually take a look and as I read.


Dear Jake...

You know since then I really like you... I was thinking if we could go hang out together, just you and me?? Say yes say yes because I need to know...

Love your boss xoxo


"Seriously sir? Is this kind of a joke? Well it's not funny at all" I told him.

"Joke?" he looks surprise "I'm promoting you bustard!"

Then I showed him what is printed on the paper

"Holy shit that's not the one I suppose to give you"

And when he saw it he immediately snatch it out of my hand, crumpled it and throw away to the nearest trash can.

Well the promoting thing was just a joke. Hate it. I stood up.

"Alright sir if you need me you can always ask your sick bitch secretary to call me"

Jesus Christ I thought he was listening to me the whole time but I was so wrong cause he is busy looking for something under his table.

"Wait its right here..." he hand me another paper.

"What is this?" I asked him with a very upset tone.

I shot a look of his eyes down to the paper he was holding and snatch it and read the whole shit. The room went on a silent mode.

I couldn't believe it! The promotion I've been waiting for has arrived! Thanks to my boss! Well without his help I wouldn't be here anyway.

"We're all looking forward to read your stories. Congratulations!" he opens his both arms for a hug. But I gave him a hand shake instead HAHA


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