4. Its a date no it wasn't

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"How was your first day?"

I asked her then take another sip of my hot Brazilian coffee and patiently waiting for an answer.

"What do you mean?"

"Did your boss fire you for coming late on your first day?" I chuckled but suddenly turned into laughter. May bad I couldn't help but laugh, imagine have you ever heard of someone coming late on first day? Probably she'll be the first for the record.

I stared at her to see her reaction I know she wasn't pleased by my tease. When she strikes me a devilish look, I chew my lips and cover it with my hand.

Okay it's time to be more serious.

"Nope!" P is popping everywhere. "But thank you for asking though" she rolled her eyes and sip."Why?"

"I'm nosy" I smirked.

"Oh yeah, what made you think I'm going to buy that?"

"Because I'm cute?" she crossed her arms and strikes another stare

"Uhm, well you're not"

I felt upset only just a little. I know that I'm not but it hurts even more if you hear it by your own ears it was like you've been shot in the head so bad.

"Right! Thank you for being honest it was highly appreciated" then she suddenly laugh.

"What?" I asked her with annoyed tone of voice.

"Nothing." Covered her face and laugh again.

Oh c'mon tell me that this girl isn't screwed. She's too gorgeous to be one! Okay I'm starting to be annoyed. "Will you please stop laughing like a crazy woman?"

"I'm sorry your reactions are too funny not to laugh"

"Yeah right, but you didn't answer my question"

"It was okay" she answered it plain and simple.

"That's it? Yeah you're boring" I told her.

"Excuse me? I'm not boring your question does"

"Fine" I took another sip as if I'm sipping Korean noodles to annoy her.

Oh I love Korean noodles because my friends are mostly Koreans I met them when I'm still studying in University of the Philippines well that time I was taking up journalism, while some of them are taking up English major.

"What was that for?"

"I'm trying to annoy you"

"Oh really? Well congratulations because I am now"

And then blah blah blah... I'm not going to elaborate every single detail for the reason you don't need to know hehe...

After we had coffee we go straight to the bus station which is not really far from the coffee shop however we're enjoying our little conversation that is why it took us 30 minutes just to get there, you know getting to know each other thing.

To be honest I never been to a date before so I wasn't really sure if this is a date but what do you want me to expect there are two opposite sex who just had coffee and talking weird stuff already? Tell me if it wasn't a date for God sake! :/


When we got there, the station were empty already I mean there are few people like a cashier guy half asleep and there is one bus left un-filled.

I knocked on the glass window.

"Yes what can I do for you?"

It was the cashier guy I'm telling you about.

"I need a ticket for two?" answered his question.

"Here it is.." he hand me the tickets then Emily and I sat on the bench in front of the empty bus.

It's already 1 in the morning according to my not so expensive watch. Fuck? Seriously? Hmmmm..

"Are we going to wait forever?" she constantly checking her phone.

"Don't be impatient let's just enjoy the moment"

She didn't answer but instead she put her hand inside the bag then pulled out something that has a dark cover, I don't know what it was but it seems like a notebook.

And out of curiosity I asked her...

"What was that?"


"That thing"

Pointing that little friend of her with just my lips

"It's a notebook."

Then she starts writing on it.

"Of course I know it's a notebook" I gave her a duh tone.

She moved a little to her left reassuring no one could sneak on what she was writing. Very clever but not clever enough!

"What was that for?"


"Are you going to ignore me?"

"Can't you see I'm busy? Talk to me when I'm through"

"Why you have to do it now?"

"Because I'm afraid I might forget to write it"

"Is that important?"


"More than anything else? More than me?"

Jesus Christ! It takes a lot of shit to spill it out! But I did! OMG this is just so embarrassing!!! I want to explode somewhere! Can I start walking now?

"You are such a flirt! You know that??"

Hmm what? Me being a flirt? Oh no! Maybe a little.

Then I shut up.

I waited till she gets through with her writing thing.

"So are you done?" asked her.

"What do you think?"

God! She can be rude you know? Crap!


THAT GIRL EMILYWhere stories live. Discover now