My Medieval Character's

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Name: Susan/The Spider Queen
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Spider Creature
Looks: she wears a normal shirt with a slightly long skirt, her hair is short and a light brown color, she has light skin and is usually shied away from Because of her dark red seemingly always glowing eyes, Spider Queen as the same shirt but it's ripped, over her stomach and below is all spider like as she has a large red abdomen and dark blue legs, she has spider like fangs in her mouth(The Spider Queen looks exactly like she does in the Alternate Marvel Universe page)
Role: (Susan): Librarian (The Spider Queen): none

Name: Lidya
Nicknames: Honey, or Sweet Pea
Age: 5½
Species: Human/Bee
Role: Princess
Looks: she wears a yellow and black striped dress with a fuzzy black outline to it with a white stripe just above it, she has long fluffy looking yellow hair and long black anntenae, she has white fuzzy like thing around her neck and the rim of her knee high white socks and she wears black shoes and has a black stinger seemingly coming from her dress like a tail would, she has dark purple eyes and yellow eyeshadow and light skin
Backstory: She was the Princess of a kingdom as she was in training to be Queen someday after her mother and father would either die or step down, she had been kidnapped in the night by people who had snuck into the kingdom, she had been forced to walk with them into the forest but when she saw her chance she took it, she stabbed one guy in the leg with her stinger before running off as her wings had been tied to her back, she saw a nearby cave and decided to hide inside it, her captures saw this but never got into the cave as Spider Queen had already caught them and set them up in nice little web cocoons and put them in her web knocked out for now, Lidya tripped as she fell downwards as the cave took a sharp turn as if something had dug out the cave before she fell onto a giant web before Spider Queen herself showed up to see now what had been caught in her web, she smirked having recognized the girl as the Princess though Lidya didn't recognize her as the gentle, shy librarian from her village

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