Black Clover Oc

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Name: Diana(Maybe?)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Magic: Dark or Fire(Also thinking about Rose, it's all a maybe)
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: she has dark almost a crimson or fire red colored hair though her skin is slightly tanned, her eyes are a dark brown almost black color at times
Personality: She used to be a sweet and caring young girl though after her mother died she grew cold towards those around her and had locked away her heart, and is now seen as a serious young lady who barely ever speaks unless it is important
Future Squad: Black Bulls
Grimoire Cover: A faded black four leafed clover
Backstory: She grew up a commoner picked on and bullied for the stupidest of things though one day she had met a strange boy, he was also a commoner and even possessed no magical abilities, her mother had been killed by the eye of the midnight sun so as she grew up she became a Magic Knight so that nothing else wrong would ever happen

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