Black Rose Part 3

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"Ow..fuck..ow ow ow" you moaned in pain as you sat up, everything hurt. Getting to your feet, you dusted yourself off. Looking up you saw the way you came in wasn't the way out, you were in a underground tunnel from the looks of it. Signing you proceeded on wards not sure were this tunnel will lead.

V still stood where you had fallen in, looking for a way to break the rocks to get to you but there was just no way. He sighed in frustration slumping down to the floor, you should be okay,he knew of the underground tunnels but he was still bothered by the idea that you maybe have gotten hurt or smashed by a rock. He curse himself for being so weak that he couldn't even save you. Suddenly a crash was heard followed by thunderous sounds made by a giant demon on four legs like pillars. Griffin appeared "Ah V I know you want to save your lady in distress but I think we should get out of here" V hesitated he didn't want to leave, looking at the demon, anger filled his heart " Agreed" he said through his teeth.

Humming a tune, you were still in the tunnel, it was dark but you could make out your way. The tunnel suddenly opened up into a large chamber, it had a series of other tunnels connected to it. shit my sense of direction was never great you thought standing in the middle wondering which root would be the best to take. 

10 minutes have passed....

You were still rooted at the spot, a sweat drop dropped form your face this giving me a headache, so you gave up and chose the middle tunnel which is the most obvious. Walking faster in to a another chamber you stopped when you saw the tunnels leading out this chamber. Looking down you saw your own footprint dammit, am going in circles groaning in frustration you chose the right side tunnel.

"O come on !" you yelled in anger coming to a dead end, you marched back to the chamber walking straight to the tunnel that was on the left side. The tunnel stretched on for awhile and you were starting to wonder if you would ever get out of this place. Lost in thought you didn't see the path dropped suddenly and you fell,"oooo shiiiit" you yelled sliding down the path, it was like some weird water slide minus the water. Realising the path ends ahead you jumped up, balancing expertly on your feet while sliding down. Jumping just at the right time as it ended you grabbed a piece of vine hanging from the ceiling. 

You hung there for a moment to calm your breathing, you giggled softly that was kinde fun you thought looking down, your smile dropped and held your breath. You were hanging in the middle of a Empusa nest, you saw eggs covering every inch of the floor, green butt Empusas were hovering over them checking the health of the eggs while the others rest or ...feast. Glancing to the left seeing a pile of corpses you saw where the bugs were devouring the rotten flesh of victims of Red Grave City. Two demons screeched at each other fighting over what looks like to be a leg, the one jumped at the other slicing its head of with its claws and started to devour the dead one. 

You looked away, feeling a pile rising in your throat, you had to get out of here and quick. Searching fro a way out you a hole in the side of the wall, this must be the entrance and exist of the nest, if only you could find a way to get to it without alarming the nest. Looking down, you saw you could drop right down and hide behind a rock, from there you can make your way silently towards the exit hiding behind some stalagmite growing in the chamber.

Dropping down with a soft thud, you quickly hid behind the rock, resting your back against it. But the rock suddenly moved, when you took a glance back, you froze. It wasn't a rock it was an Empusa empress, mush bigger than a queen and way more dangerous sleeping in the middle of her brood. Backing away slowly and silently, you tip toed past the sleeping larva that was around her. The exit was so close, you could almost make out the faint glow of day light shining in....just few...more steps then your home free. Beads of sweat ran down your face... almost..just one more step

*step* CRACK*

You froze terrified and turned to see the brood waking up and starting screeching, they realised there was an intruder. The empress huge body lifted from the ground as she stood up and stared at you with an ugly disgusting bug face she screeched so hard you had to cover your ears. As if a signal to attack, the swarm of demon bugs heading straight for you, clawing at each other for the change of fresh blood.

Your shoulders slumped "This is not my day"    


Note: hey guys thank you for reading XD, Next chapter will be up soon, please vote and comment if you like.              

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