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hopejen / jenhope / jenseok.

jennie's world was dark, pitch black, sorrowful, moribund, and alone. all of the chaos ended when jung hoseok came to her life.

each morning she wakes up, she sees two suns. him, and the literal sun.

before, her face wasn't seen in a smile. the past was erased by him. from his lame jokes and contagious laugh, jennie can't keep herself.

she was so insecure about her body before; self-love didn't exist in her vocabulary. hoseok didn't let that pass.

jennie makes him happy in a way, too. just for hoseok to see her happy and all smiles is fine for him.

but a tragedy happened.

"ms. kim. i'm sorry to inform you this, but you have a cancer of the blood and you don't have much time to live. surgeries also cost a lot. if you're willing to pay, then we can proceed." the doctor stated sadly.

jennie didn't want to cry, as she wanted to make her loved one happy.

but secrets don't last that long. hoseok discovered a document from jennie's drawer.

a medical record.

upon seeing this, he burst into tears.

he was the cause of jennie's smile, and jennie was the cause why he keeps on being happy.

but when she's gone, who will he lean on when he's down? when he's sad?

when he's lonely?

day by day, month by month, time to time, she got weaker and more weaker.

until finally, her life went to an end. everything turned pitch black for him. jennie was his light, his drug, his happiness, his life..

his love.

and it all ended? who would want to stay in a dream like this? but it wasn't a dream. it was reality. a nightmare that turned into reality.

he cried endlessly beside her body, at the hospital. he hugged her cold body while sobbing. why did she have to leave him? why did she hide the truth?

her parents were present, also sobbing. he can just take the blame, since he didn't notice the symptoms.. but her parents didn't blame him.

his mind was flooded with questions and sorrow, not until the nurse went inside the room.

"sir, i forgot to tell you this. the patient told me to give you this letter when her life is ending. sorry for the disturbance, sir."

"thank you."

and as he opened the letter, he cried, again.



                   hi seokie! i already know that, while you're reading this, everything has come to an end. but, i still want to tell you a few things while my soul dozes off to the afterlife.

                   thank you for everything. for making me show my gummy smile that i never knew i had, for giving me strength and happiness when i was feeling low, for all the love you gave me,

                    and for existing in my life.

                    but now, my time is over. and i must do it without any whereabouts. thank you for being there for me.

                   now that i'm gone, please live happily. get over me, get a job, meet new friends, fall in love, get married, have kids, and live your best life. forget about me, for i will only be a burden to you.

                  i love you, my sunshine.

                 and i will always be with you and with your heart. always.

sweet goodbye.


tears streamed down his face. oh, how the letter seemed so bittersweet...

but he knows that he will never get over her.

jennie was her one, only, great love.

"i love you, jennie."


imma be real wit y'all, i cried while writing the letter part i hate myself

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