Ex-best friend

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Alexa=my ex GF that continued to be my best friend after I broke up with her.

On Wednesday, Alexa tried to fight me. She said "I'm done with your shit!"(my username lol lol) and she slapped me in the shoulder. I immediately started punching her and she started flapping her arms so I grabbed her hoodie sleeve and ended the fight. No teachers saw us but I got SO pissed at her that I screamed that I was gonna kill her... multiple times. I was screaming so many horrible things. I threatened her SO many times. I couldn't stop myself...nor did I want to stop myself. I've been hating on her for over 6 months now. The fact that she said she was done with my shit did too much to me. I've never been so mad. I was shaking with anger. I even tried to jump on her but like 5 people grabbed my arms. Then the girl that last fought Alexa, Dasmine said "Let the girl go! She needs to let that anger out I mean I did and nothing happened to me. That bitch is weak. She won't do shit"
The rest of the day I had an evil grin on my face. I planned to jump Alexa on Friday at locker break. Me and my gf were actually planning on killing her but then teachers got involved. The 7th grade administrator got onto me and my gf. After I kept growling and screaming out of anger my teacher reported me and well Mrs.massy(7th grade administrator) called me and my gf up to the office. She asked me if I actually said that I was gonna kill her and I admitted it. Mrs.Massy said that it was a threat and she might have to get the police. She said it's like saying I'm gonna bring a bomb to school. I finally had a taste of confidence. I was so confident to kill Alexa. I was so done with her. I made sure everyone knew I hated her and we'll the entire school knows because I screamed it out in front of the entire school. Mrs.Massy didn't call the police because I said I wouldn't do it so I have to make a new plan.

Yesterday I decided I was just gonna ignore Alexa. At the end of the day she sent me a LONG ASS email. It said how much she hated me and well...she said a lot of the same things Mikayla said about me. She said that I made her cut so much and that I had a heart of stone. She also said that she didn't know what she did to me. I've been holding this grudge for so long that's why I got SO mad at her. Well I didn't have time to reply to her because it was the end of the day and I had to leave

If I'm gonna be honest I kinda regret everything. I fuck up a LOT and it's mainly out of anger. Thankfully Alexa is kinda giving me another chance except she calls me her ex best friend.

I still kinda love her. Her new boyfriend is making her so happy and it hurts me so much. Also being called "ex-best friend" hurts. It's just like Savanna. I didn't want a repeat of what happened with Savanna. I fucked up everything again so YAY. Lucky me.

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