Chapter 1

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I don't own Naruto or X-men

This story is basically a continue or partner story to Naruto of the X-men that I wrote. You will understand what I mean shortly. As for the time line and character appearance, I am changing it from the original show to fit my needs. Basically the first season characters to start off and I will add more later.

A 4 year old Naruto Uzumaki was curled up in a ball in the woods outside of the village of Konoha. He was asleep when a male voice woke him.

Naruto groaned and slowly opened his eyes and they fell on a man with brown hair and sunglasses on dressed in strange clothing and the man said "Hello brother, how are you today."

Naruto blinked and asked "Huh."

The man smiled and held up a small bowl of warm soup and he said "Here, eat first and then we will talk." as he set the bowl in front of Naruto.

Naruto seeing the food slowly looked at it and then the man who nods and Naruto picked up the bowl and began to eat.

After about halk an hour Naruto sat back completely full and the bowl was still half full and the man said "Good food huh...the bowl is made to never run out of soup. The bowl has a storage seal in the bottom of it that will reseal the food with a small burst of chakra." as he picked up the bowl and sent some chakra into a seal on the bottom and the bowl instantly became empty.

After it was empty the man said "Now, I am sure you have a lot of questions like why did I give you food and why did I call you brother right."

Naruto nods and the man said "The answer is because in a way you are my step brother but then again your not. My name is Reload and I come from the distant future and from another world."

Naruto frowned and said "I don't understand."

Reload said "I suppose you wouldn't...I know that you were kicked out of the orphanage yesterday and that people were mean to you there and in the village, right."

Naruto nods and Reload said "I know the reason the people were mean to you and I also know why the people at the orphanage kicked you out and it's not your fault."

Naruto frowned and said "Why...why are they mean to me."

Reload smiled and said "Because a very evil man sent the Kyuubi no Kitsune to attack your village and the Yondaime Hokage could not kill it but sealed it in a prison where it would slowly die...that prison is right here." as he touched Naruto stomach.

Naruto said "My stomach." in confusion.

Reload said "Raise your watch." as he sent chakra to his hand that he had on Naruto stomach and the seal appeared making Naruto eyes widen.

Reload then move his hand away and said "Now those lines are the prison for the Kyuubi and you are the guard to the prison but you are not the prisoner or the prison but the guard but people are stupid to that which they don't understand and they fear what they don't know which is why they are mean to you because they are scared."

Naruto looked down and Reload said "But that is why I am here...I can get rid of the Kyuubi so you can have a different life, would you like that."

Naruto thought a moment and nods and Reload pulled out a small pill and said "Good...then I want you to take this pill and swallow it."

Naruto took the pill and Reload also had a glass of water and he gave it to Naruto who took the pill and the water and then Reload moved faster then Naruto could see and hit him in the back of the neck knocking him out.

When Naruto awoke he found himself in a white room and he asked "What the hell."

Reload stood nearby and said " you know who I am."

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