Chapter 2

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After Naruto left the elemental nations and heard word spreading across them from different sources he thought "Damn Jiji, Konoha got some MAJOR security leaks." as he flew over the rain forest of South America.

It took him 2 days to fly to Cape horn where Naruto stopped and rested before he continued on his way north.

As he did Naruto frowned and thought "I'm not sure but I think that's Adamantium. If it is what the hell is Logan doing down here." as he changed course and flew toward where he felt the metal.

After 2 hours Naruto lowered down into the woods and thought "Something's not right." as he began to hop through the trees.

He soon found a brick building with high walls and barb wire running over the top and thought "Standard Military type instillation...the Adamantium in coming from inside...theres a gaurd, lets see what he's thinking." as he began to concentrate on the guard he saw walking around the inside of the complex.

Naruto frowned and thought "Some kind of weapon development center for a group called Hydra. Either they got Logan or someone is trying to use the weapon X program. Either way, thier about to meet me." as he disappears and reappears behind the guard knocking him out with a chop to the neck.

An alarm sound goes off and Naruto frowns as he sees a man positioned in every corner of the compound and they raise their guns at Naruto and fires at him.

Naruto concentrates as the bullets stop in mid air and then the guns are ripped out of the hands of the men holding them breaking 2 of the guards fingers before the guns turn and the butt of the the gun is slammed into all 4 guards faces before pistol wipping them knocking them out.

Naruto who had been half crouched stood up as the doors to the compound open up and 20 guards in military outfits came running out raising their guns with half of them crouching down while the other half stood over the first half and one of the men screamed "Kill the intruder.

Naruto snorts as the barrels on the end of the guns bend downward and 7 guards who did not react in time to stop pulling the trigger caused their guns to explode sending shrapnel into them and the others there as Naruto raised his hand and fired an ice beam at the guards freezing a body part be it arm, leg, feet or him depending on the gaurds position before having the guns that were left fly out of the compound into the forest outside.

Naruto then disappeared and reappeared inside the building just inside where the doors that had been sealed after the guards came out were.

Inside a control room a man looked at the screen and said "Interesting, he has the ability of magnetism, teleportation, and ice manipulation."

A gaurd said "Dr. Rice, we must ensure you safety and you must be evacuated until this person is taken care of."

Rice looked a the gaurd and said "Yes, yes...lets leave but put the trigger scent in the ventilation system as we do and set the security system to transmit all information to the portable. I wish to test our weapon against this boy and that is interesting. Adamantium blades in his wrist. Who else is working off the old weapon X program and how is it that we have not heard of matter, do as I order guard while the rest of you secure my evacuation." as he saw Naruto extend his blades and slice through a security door.

The guard who spoke said "Yes sir." as he left the room. Once he was gone Rice said "Secure all doors and make sure that gaurd can not return. I do not take orders from anyone except our director. Now lets go."

The 7 gaurds in the room said "Yes sir." as they locked the door and left by an escape tunnel.

Naruto frowned as he dodged some auto turrets before crushing them and continuing down the path and thought "Someone is going to pay."

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