Chapter 3

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That afternoon after classes were over Naruto and Laura met on the roof and Naruto placed his hand on her and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

As Jean and Scott arrived at the Xavier school for the gifted they saw Naruto and Laura leaning against the wall and both looked at each other and Scott said "Hello Naruto, Laura...What are you doing here and how did you get here so fast."

Naruto said "You know, little this, little that...using my powers to get us here...I need to speak with Charles Xavier and when he gets here Logan since I can tell he's not here right now but he's entering town from the feel of it. I could have just walked in but I figured the mansion's security would have activated on unauthorized intruders so if you could either let us in or ask the Professor it would be appreciated." with a smirk

Jean frowned and said, "You shouldn't be using your powers in the open and..."

Naruto said "Jean...we don't have time to be arguing about the merits of normal human finding out about us right now. Why I am here is important and will most likely change the future of this world forever so please open the door or I will."

A voice echoed inside the minds of all 4 and Charles was heard saying "That won't be necessary. Jean, Scott, bring them in."

Naruto frowned and thought "Damn it, he got past 6 of my mental barrier before I stopped him. At least the other 4 were still up and he didn't get to my mental trap."

Jean opened the gate and Naruto and Laura began to walk up the drive as Scott and Jean pulled forward in Scott 's car.

When Naruto got to the door he tensed and thought "Not good, he's getting closer and as soon as she smells him she will most likely lose it." as he saw the way Laura was tensed.

The door opened and Jean said "Please come in." as she moved to the side.

Naruto nods and walked in along with Laura and the door closed and they followed Jean into the living room where Scott was along with the Professor and Charles said "I'm Professor Charles Xavier and I see you already met my students Jean and Scott. Who might you be."

Naruto said "Names Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, Code name Echo. This is Laura, code name X-23...If you don't mind Logan will be here in about 5 minutes from what I can tell and I would rather wait until he gets here...also...Laura...please try to stay calm. I will prove to you Logan knew nothing about you so please don't lose it or I will be forced to restrain you again."

Laura clenched her fist and said "I...I'll try." as she closed her eyes and looked away.

Naruto smiled softly and raised his hand up to face and gently caressed it and said "Before you ask, I'll explain and I'll make sure nothing violent happens...but I will tell you why Laura here seems to be pissed is because...she's Logans, daughter."

Charles, Jean and Scott's eyes went wide at this and Charles said "I never knew Logan had a daughter."

Naruto looked at him and said "Neither does Logan...I'm sorry for the way I was acting at the gates but I could feel Logan was getting closer and I'm not sure Laura will be able to control herself not to attack him when he first arrives and I'll have to use my powers to stop her and probably him as well in order to keep them from attacking each other which would draw too much public attention."

Charles said, "If I may ask...what exactly are your powers."

Naruto said "That's a long story we will get into later but please don't react no matter what happens because I can feel him at the gates now. I won't let either Logan or Laura fight and nothing will be destroyed either."

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