Chapter 6

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It was Monday and the beginning of a new week at Bayville High when Naruto walked into the building and saw some people seem to move out of his way while others seem to be eying him.

As he went toward his locker he saw Jean and Laura both standing at Laura locker looking like they were waiting for someone and it didn't take any powers for him to know who and he said "Hello doc, Laura. How are you both today."

Jean said "Still a little soar but other then that I'm pretty good."

Laura said "I feel alright I guess."

Naruto nods and spins his combination and opens his locker and Jean asked "What happened to you yesterday. I mean I thought you would come back by the mansion to get Laura."

Naruto shrugged and said "Seen an old army buddy if you know what I mean. He's seems to be in better health then he was before my visit though."

Jean and Laura eyes widen and Laura said "You actually did that."

Naruto smirked and said "I am a man of my word." as he slammed his locker and asked "So anything interesting happen."

Laura said "Nothing much. Dads in recovery at the mansion."

Naruto blinked and asked "What do you mean recovery. What happened."

Laura shrugged and said "He wanted to see what I was capable of so I showed him."

Naruto stopped and said "And you won."

Laura frowned and looked away and Naruto said "I what did happen."

Laura sighed and said "I passed out from healing so much. Dad though took more damage then I did."

Naruto laughed and said "I could have told you that would happened. Experience and stamina can win more battles then youth and power...but don't worry. I'm proud of you and I'm sure he is as well. Use this as an example to learn from."

Laura said "Well Jean said she was willing to help me increase my stamina...I'm going to try out for a school team."

Naruto eyes widen and he said "Really...that's are you shielding your thoughts or is Jean shielding them."

Jean said "A girls got to have her secrets."

Naruto laughed and said "Yeah, I guess they do. So anything else happen."

Laura said "Mystique and her son spent pretty much all day Saturday together and she came back by the mansion Sunday to see him for a few hours. Scott went to see his brother and they spent the night in Hawaii before coming back yesterday. Xavier was bothered by something but what I don't know but I do know that he couldn't look at Jean or me after she returned from her night out and Storm told us the Professor thought it was a good idea for her to have everyone at the mansion have a check up."

Naruto bit his lip and burst out laughing catching several peoples attention and Jean asked "What's so funny." in a hushed tone.

Naruto said "Oh, I'm sure he's just wants to make sure your taking all your vitamins and things like that. After all, you got to be in top form with all your extra training your doing."

Laura looked confused a moment but Jeans eyes widen and she turned beat red as she figured out what Naruto was refering to. Naruto said "What, laughters the best medicine for the body and the soul. Try it, your live longer." as he looked at the people staring at them.

Jean said "Your hopeless." as she shook her head.

Naruto said "Exactly." as he walked into class and said "Hey, isn't blue boy suppose to be back today."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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