Oddly Enough

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It had been an oddly peaceful day, with most of the decisions for the next couple weeks having been made and the preparations already underway without further need of him. Nothing urgent was requiring contributions from the King or himself, allowing them to sit down and settle into the mundane administration of their day to day duties. Their Feyshan visitor had been strangely absent but he had refrained from signalling to her, assuming that whatever she needed to do with her Council, it was keeping her occupied. 

Cavin  sat back, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hand as he closed the folder on the last piece of treasury work for the kingdom when they heard the voices echoing through the hallway, accompanied by the tell tale footsteps of a man in full armour. From where they were, it sounded like Sir Benchan was talking to himself though the specifics of his words were not made available to them until the door opened, admitting him and Verana.

 The Feyshan woman was armed not only with her blades but two more sets of swords, one of which was crossed over her back, leaving four swords hanging from her hips. The leather workmanship on the sheaths was new and though the look was odd, six swords didn't look quite as preposterous on a Feysha as it would have on a human. Perhaps it was the added predatory movement that made one ponder if there was a purpose behind it. 

"I"m telling you, you'd have to go back to the Smith and get a full suit made up if you want to do that. I don't care how fast you are, one hit from a long sword or even a bastard sword, would cut you in half if there's not the requisite padding and metal protection provided by armour. Specially if you don't even fight with a shield." Benchan looked and sounded like he was talking to someone who was half daft, or crazy, glancing up towards them and offering a half hearted bow, though he stumbled in it when Verana spoke.

"Then it is good that we would not be hit." Her words seemed so simple, nonchalant and stubborn, that it took Shelby a few moments to piece together what they were talking about.

"Ben." Shelby's word was more of a question, than a statement, but it only drew the angry-sword master's gaze to him.

"She's planning on fighting in your cock-eyed pissing contest of a tournament. Without Armour." Benchan growled, tossing up his hands in frustration before lowering one, knocking on his metal breastplate. "I don't wear this because it's comfortable."

Cavin took the opportunity to stand, stretching after several long hours doing paperwork. 'You're planning on fighting?"

Verana side glanced at Benchan before she nodded. "Yes. And two others. We wear armour... but it is leather, it allows us to move better."

"Sir Benchan has a point, Lady. The fights aren't to cause serious injury, but even with metal armour, people have been badly injured. And if you are fighting against those with it, your smaller blades will take time to break down defences of your opponent, while you fend off their attacks." Shelby said his words carefully, watching her with caution. 

He wasn't completely sure if it was a good idea to give any of the fighters a chance at any of the Feysha, let alone the one who seemed best able to represent her people. If he wasn't certain she would turn her fury on him, he would have brought that point up. 

"I know how to sword fight." Verana growled sharply, her expression darkening as she glanced at the three of them before she turned around. Her gaze raked over the entire room, taking in the large hall and the guards lining the walls though they were trying to look inconspicuous. It was as if she could sense that even these unnamed fighters agreed along Ben and his line of thinking. Shelby let out a soft breath of relief when her expression showed resignation and she nodded. "Alright."

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