Human!Alduin x Male!Dragonborn!Reader x Human!Paarthurnax REQUESTED

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This is kind of like a part two, I really like it. Thanks for the request, FanficReader42028, don't know what I'd do without your brilliant ideas! :D

Also sorry if updates seem a little slow. I haven't been in the writing mood for a while, and I've been reading a very long and cute x reader, so I couldn't reply to requests, or write without having to exit out of the story. I now have two Wattpads open, one with the story, and one with writing. I wonder how many times I'm going to get distracted by the story... I'll keep count XD


"Daddy?" Sissel's sweet voice echoed in the room.

"Yes, sweetie?" I said.

"How did you and dads meet?"

"Heh, that's a long story, you sure you want to hear it?"


"Well, when I was young...ger.... uh, I lived on a huge mountain, and lived there alone, mostly because I was afraid people might want me dead. Well, one day, your father, the Dragonborn, walked up to where I was living, and we got to know each other. We later went on a date, and then we knew we loved each other."

"Awwwww." Sissel said. She got up and jumped on her raven-haired dad.

"Woa- oh, hey there, Dragon claws. What do you need? More apple juice?"

"Yes, please! And also, I want to know about your past and how you met dads." Alduin got up and opened the fridge, getting out an apple juice box, then walked over and handed it to Sissel, who sipped it.

"Well, I was once banished forward in time."

"Woahhhh, really?!"

"Really, and once I was the World Eater you hear about in scary stories. I was going to destroy the world, but the Dragonborn would just get in my way. I thought he was just going to be just as the prophecy said, killing the dark dragon that would kill the world, but no. One day, a huge storm manifested around my living areas, I had to hide in a cave, became human, and then, I was face to face with your father. We talked while in the shelter, and turns out we get along well. He has his own version of killing stuff, as do I." Alduin grinned. Sissel was smiling.

"Maybe that where I get my little dark episodes from." She said.

"Dark episodes?"

"Yep! Every time I see someone being mean, I really want to hurt them."

"....You just made my world...."

"Daddyyyy!" Sissel said, laughing a little.

"What about you meeting other daddy?"

"Well, I met him at the Throat of the World, where he lived.  As for Dragonborn, we were both in Helgen, when I noticed something shiny around his neck. I lifted it up and it was the Amulet of Mara."

"Omelet of who?"

"Haha, Amulet of Mara. She's the goddess of love and happiness, basically. You wear her amulet to say that you're interested in a mate." Sissel sipped her apple juice.




On a bright day, Sissel, Alduin, Paarthy and I were in Helgen. Sissel saw something hiding behind my back, she lifted it and saw it was an Amulet of Mara.

"Daddy, you should marry them." She said. My face turned red.

"Should I.....?"

"You should."


Later, the dragon-humans, Sissel and I were all under a huge willow tree. Flowers falling from the tree, creating a pink light show. I sighed and got in front of the two males, and went on one knee, Alduin, who was very confused, was red. Paarthy gasped.

"Alduin...Paarthurnax,.... I've known you two for so long...and loved you two since those first days. W-would you..m-marry me..?" They happily said yes, and Sissel jumped up and down in happiness. 


In Riften, we got married, Sissel once again jumped up and down in happiness. Lydia was a little shocked, but was still happy. 

"I'm happy for you, young Dragonborn...." A voice said in my head. It sounded so angelic...Mara?

"Thank you..." I whispered.

And lived happily ever after...

Was that 7 times or 8 times I got distracted...? Well, anyways, 653 words. :)

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