Girls Night Out.

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Raquel and I decided to have a girls night. My mother and Mama B took the twins and Ariel for the weekend. We decided to go to the new club that just opened. I was getting dressed when Laurent entered the room.
He just stood in the doorway staring.
When I turned around he smiled.
He walked towards me and pinned me to the wall. "Let me give you something for think about while you out."
"Stop it your going to make me late." I squealed.
"Come on it non going for take long."
"Stop it go to your corner and take a time out" I joked.
He threw a pillow at me. "Is okay you have for come home tonight then you all mines."
"I promise it will be worth the wait."
I heard the lock click downstairs. Raquel and Larry was here.
"Heaven you ready?" She yelled up the steps.
I was finally done getting dressed and headed down stairs to the living room.
"Oh girl Laurent letting you out the house with that on?"
"I non like it" Laurent said as he walked down the stairs.
"You don't have nothing to worry about baby I know who daddy is." I reassured him.
"You better know " he said as he smacked my behind.
We head out the door to meet two of our other friends.
It was about 9 P.M when we arrived at the club. I could feel the hateful energy directed at us. We continued to walk to the VIP section. I sat down and was vibing with the music. Out the corner of my eye I saw trouble heading our way. Candi and her herd happen to be in the same club we were attending. I tried to pretend like like I didn't notice her but she made a point to make her presence known. Raquel looked at me then back at her and just bust out laughing.
"Girl did she try it?" She said tears running out her eyes.
Getting embarrassed once again she stepped closer to Raquel. Raquell put down her drink and stood up.
"Girl you really don't want this heat" Raquel said taking her earrings off.
Damn it I thought I really don't feel like this bullshit but Rocky's my ride or die so I stood up and removed my earrings too. Out of nowhere Laurent and Larry appeared in between us.
"Them non worth it." Laurent said looking at Candi disgusted.
Once my temper calmed I walked away. Once the herd had stormed off I sat back down trying to recover my night.
"See us can't let y'all go no where by y'all selfs" Larry joked.
We all laughed but I can tell Laurent was still irritated. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked at me and smiled. After all the drama the four us really had a great night. Afterwards we went out to eat. We parted ways and made it home Laurent looked at me with hunger in his eyes and it seemed that I was his main course.
"Now show daddy some of that fire you had in the club"

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