Prologue (9 Years Before)

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"Get out...and stay out!" my mum yells, red in the face, pointing at the door.

   I whimper and snuggle into my blanket, sucking my thumb, crying in the cupboard where I'm hiding.

   "What about Prima, and Ben, and little Aspyn and Ever?" my dad asks firmly.

   Yes, what about me?

   "I'll look after them! Just go!" mum screeches.

   I dart back to my room, making sure that neither of my quarrelling parents see my small 5 year old figure run past. I grab my teddy and hug it tightly, trying to get to sleep. Just as my eyes are closing, I hear a door slam, and a car's engine rev into the distance.

  And when I wake the next morning, my dad's gone.

A/N: So, this is the story I wrote for NaNoWriMo YWP, with a 20,000 word count. Before I start, I just wanna say that running away is a really serious thing, and I don't, repeat DO NOT, suggest and advertise it in any way. If you feel the need to run away, talk to someone. Well, enjoy! :)

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