Epilogue One: A Visit Back Home (1 Year After Running Away)

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"Here you go," Certified Policelady Officer Jolene mutters, tight lipped, as she pulls into a spare car park.

We're here? Shame. That was a very enjoyable car ride, annoying Jo the whole time.

"Really?" I say, pouting, "I was enjoying that."

Jolene glares at me. Oh, if looks could kill. I'd be lying dead on the floor of this police car right now. Martin gives me the thumbs up, and winks at me.

"Nice job, kid," he whispers, so quiet that Certified Policelady Officer Jolene can't hear, and I laugh, getting out of the car.

I'd rather have someone I actually liked drive me here, but mum and Leila are at a competition, Ben and 'The Man' are at a game, and Prima's at a sale. At the mall. Martin's car's at the garage at the moment, getting fixed up, so the last option was Certified Policelady Officer Jolene. Martin only came so we wouldn't end up murdering each other.

I take a few steps in the warm air. It's been exactly a year, since I've last been here on the beach. I wave to the police, and walk down a sand dune in my blue converse. Yeah, not much has changed. I smile slightly, though I feel like crying, throwing up, or both, when I see that Sea Witch is still there, still standing. After the original news of my being safe, people got bored, so my Sea Witch has been empty ever since last year.

I walk inside, and laugh when I see that it's in almost as bad a state as it was when I first found it; slimy, grimy walls; sandy, muddy floors; unhygienic, filthy mattress. Aah. I stare out the glass-less window, and start talking to the house.

"Hey," I whisper, "I'm just here to say goodbye. I've settled in back home again. Alise and I haven't really talked since last year, so I made friends with Kassie, who's really nice. She used to be Chelsea's best friend. Chelsea's Alise's new bestie, so we can relate a bit. After I've left here, I'm going to visit Cadence, and Prue. I've really missed them. And after I exit through this door today, that's it. I'm never coming back."

That's when the tears come. I keep talking to Sea Witch for another five or so minutes, before leaving.

"Goodbye, Sea Witch. I'll never forget you," I whisper, and walk out the door, never to look back, never to return.

I walk the route that I've only walked a couple of times, yet the road is etched in my mind, the road to Sea Queen. I take a massive breath, and knock. I hear heavy-ish footsteps make their way to the light door, and see the door handle turn, the door open.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Cadence shrieks, a massive grin on her face. "Harper!"

"Cadence!" I smile, hugging her, "you've read the news the past year right? You do know my name's not Harper? You're not angry?"

"I'm not angry! And of course I've read the news," she shrugs, "I knew all along that you were Ever. I just like calling you Harper! Talking about false names...was Toffee really the best you could do?"

We both laugh.

"I've missed you," I say quietly.

"I have too," she grins sheepishly, before dragging me inside, where a certain little girl I know and adore is sitting, watching T.V with the subtitles on.

We go stand in front of her, and her face lights up.

"EVER! HARPER!" she signs, and I sign back her own name.

We hug tightly, and I see Cadence signing something to her sister.

"You learnt sign language? For Prue?" I ask her with my voice, and she nods.

I spend the rest of the afternoon with them, and then leave to where the police car is still parked, with promises of keeping contact.

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