Chapter Thirteen: The Truth...Well Part Of It

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I stride along the beach confidently, though inside I'm crossing my fingers and screaming, in hope that no one recognises me. I go to that dairy place that sells everything, and buy a soft toy rugby ball for Ben (I buy him a soft toy every year, it's tradition), for 3 dollars, Vera a makeup shaped chocolate kit ($4), Leila a party mix bag of lollies for a dollar, and mum and 'The Man' can share the 80c chocolate bar I'm getting them. I also buy a necklace, with gummy bears inside the giant pendant.

I then buy a pack of those bags you put things in, to post them to someone, and head back home. By the time Sea Witch is in sight, I'm so jumpy, that every time someone laughs, or shouts, or even talks, I freak out. I wrap everything in some random cellophane that I brought with me on the run (no idea why...), and put them in separate posting bags. I write everyone's names on them neat as I can; Primavera Gabbard, Benson Gabbard-Grey, Leilani Grey, Dana Grey (I just write mum's name, because I actually call my step dad 'The Man' so often, that I've forgotten his actual name! Oops!) On the last one I write very carefully a name I only write twice a year; once on my birthday, once at Christmas; Aspyn Gabbard.

Aspyn, though ages since I've seen the face of the name, is just as clear in my mind as dad's face. Well, to remind myself of what Aspyn looked like, all I really need is a mirror... because Aspyn's my twin. She died the year mum married 'The Man'...suicide, and no one else talks about her anymore. Losing Aspyn felt like losing one of my arms, one of my legs, one of my eyes, one of my ears. I'd trade anything to have Aspyn back, even my hearing. Aspyn's ears didn't work. That's the main reason I made it priority to learn sign language, though I kid myself and everyone else that the reason was because I was forced.

I say that no one talks about her anymore, and it's like they've forgotten her... but even I don't dare mention her name aloud anymore. every birthday and Christmas, I put a cheesy gift that she'd love on her grave. She died when she was twelve, when we were twelve, the day after the wedding. Mum promised dad that she'd look after us two, when she kicked him out, but she lied. If she'd really looked after us, she wouldn't have married 'The Man', and I'd still have my twin.

I shake my head as though to shake all of the grief out of my mind, and run the parcels to the post office. In such a small place like this, postage is free (phew!) so it takes no time at all to get them sent off. I change into my pyjamas and my tummy rumbles, reminding me that I haven't eaten all day. It's then that I comment silently how baggy my clothes have gotten, how pokey-outy my ribs are.

I scoff the remains of my bag of muesli before curling up into a ball on the mattress and sleeping for hours, until I wake the next morning to a whole heap of noise.

I wake up bleary eyed, and hear shouts outside, which isn't unusual for a public beach. But what they're shouting, is what's weird.

"So, we're outside this dilapidated cottage, and we believe that this is where Run Away Teen, Everleigh Gabbard, has been hiding away for these past few weeks."

Oh my gosh. They've found me, is my first thought. This can't be real, must be a dream, is my second. I pinch myself like they do in movies, chanting please let this be a dream, please let this be a dream, over and over in my head.

I hear more shouts outside. Nope. Not a dream. I turn on my laptop which, you're probably thinking, is really inappropriate for this moment. You should be jumping out of the window and running, Everleigh Castalia Gabbard!," you're probably scolding me. But instead, I blog. Six simple words (not counting my signature goodbye.)

Oh my gosh, they've found me!

-Ever xxx (a.k.a @run_away_teen)

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RUN RUN RUN GURL! #RATs4Ever -Gina (a.k.a @gummy_bear_worm)

What you doing blogging? Stay safe girl, and escape the people! #RATs4Ever -Mala (a.k.a @missy_mala)

I'm thinking of u gurl, just no dat, we all r! #RATs4Ever -Zara (a.k.a @princess_sparkles)

I don't listen to what the RATs are telling me. I just turn off my laptop and put it back in my bag, and continue using it as a pillow, as I try to fall asleep again.

Which is surprisingly hard. Gosh, what does it take for a girl to get 40 winks?

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