Chapter Three: Shopping With My Sister

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Green grass waves softly with the breeze and the trees, sweeping the yellow dandelions and the white daisies along with it. I skip through the knee length grass lazily, singing softly, unusually in tune. A lady suddenly appears in front of me, hands on hips, legs apart.

"Wake up, you lazy sloth!" she yells.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" someone shrieks, destroying my beautiful slumber.

"I'm awake," I mumble, opening my eyes and instantly regretting it, as sunlight shines into them, making them ache considerably.

"We have to go shopping to get Leila a new scrunchie and water bottle and t-shirt before the competition! I expect to see you downstairs, dressed and ready, bright eyed, bushy tailed, in 10 minutes!" mum snaps.

"Whatsthetime," I mumble sleepily.

"8:00. Too late. So get UP!" she slams the door as she leaves the room.

I stumble out of bed and over to my dresser. I pull out a random pair of denim shorts and a (blue, of course) plain tanktop. I pull my hairbrush through my slippery-soft hair, and plait it around my head like a crown. I skip down the stairs 10 times more awake in just 4 minutes ago to find mum stressing manically.

"No time for breakfast!" she glares as I pull a bowl out of the cupboard. "Grab an Up and Go, we're about to leave!"

I hastily shove the bowl back into the cupboard, and snatch a vanilla flavoured Up and Go from the fridge. I slip some $3 dollar jandals onto my feet and dash to the car where my siblings, step-sibling, step-dad, and mum, are waiting impatiently in the 6 seater. I buckle myself into the backseat next to my real sister, and the car starts moving.

"What took you so long? Mum was going mental!" she hisses, grinning.

"I just woke up four minutes ago!" I smile back, pushing her playfully.

"Can I have a sip?" she asks, gesturing to my Up and Go.

I shrug.

"Sure, why not?"

She steals the vanilla drink from my hands and slurps.

"That's not a sip! That's a massive gulp!" I laugh, before telling her that she can have the rest of it.

We stop off at the closest mall to pick up Leila's gym things. Mum places $20 dollars into Benson's, Prima's, and my own hands.

"Go buy something. Treat yourself!" she says, uncharacteristically nice, and she, 'The Man', and Leilani, go into 'Gym R Us," who's store name doesn't even make sense! I mean, how hard would it be to call it 'Gym Stuff R Us?', or 'Gymnastics Things R Us.'

"Let's go, little sister!" Primavera teases me, emphasizing the little, and grabs my hand, pulling me to her favourite shop; Herbz. It's actually a lot nicer than it sounds.

We enter Herbz, and the teenger at the counter screams, dropping her magazine as she realizes that the one and only Primavera Gabbard, teen model for 'Sweet Wishes', has walked into the store. She babbles on about sales and discounts, shoving entire racks of short shorts, fancy shirts, and cute shoes into my sister's hands, while I watch, completely amused. Prima sees me chuckling and pokes her tongue out at me.

"You better stop laughing," she warns, her tone about as menacing as a kitten's mew.

"But darling, you're the model from 'Sweet Wishes!' Here, have 986 free dresses!" I laugh, mimicking the counter lady when she's gone out of the room.

Primavera finally sees the funny side and giggles along with me.

The lady comes out of, what I assume is, the storage cupboard, or someone's office, and says in a much more composed tone, "what would you like to buy?" It's all I can do not to crack up laughing when Primavera and I look at each other.

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