Chapter 2

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After Regina had called Henry down, she opened the door. Emma tried to act as natural as possible when the three of them greeted Marian and Robin.

Robin had brown hair and a beard. His eyes were green and he smiled brightly. Next to him was a tall, slightly tanned woman, with dark brown, long, curly hair and brown eyes.

"Regina, hi!" He greeted her. To Emma's surprise, he had a thick British accent. He pulled her in an unwanted hug before he stepped inside, Marian following him immediately. "And who's this little guy?" He asked as he patted Henry's shoulder.

Henry, too, seemed unhappy by his physical contact, but the boy straightened his posture and held up his hand. "My name's Henry. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Locksley," he properly introduced himself.

Again, Emma was surprised by the manners of this boy, which Regina had obviously taught him.

Robin didn't reply and he averted his eyes to Emma. "Well, well, if this isn't the famous Emma Swan," Robin said as he held up his hand to shake it.

"Swan-Mills," Emma corrected him with a smile, knowing that Regina would be rolling her eyes.

"Hmm," Marian said and the look on her face made it perfectly clear that she was judging them. Emma wanted to shake her hand as well, but Marian refused.

"Let's sit down in the living room, shall we? We have some important news to share," Regina suggested as she gestured at the living room door.

When everyone finally sat down, Regina looked around at the people around her. "Does anyone want to drink something?" She asked, but no one wanted anything.

"So, what's the important news?" Marian asked. She clearly wanted to get on with it as soon as possible.

"Before I say that, I want you both to know that nothing has to change. Emma and I have wanted to tell you before, but as you both refused to come earlier, we'll tell you now," Regina started.

"Well, you know there are phones," Marian said with the same condescending tone as before.

"This really isn't news people want to hear over the phone," Emma said, feeling that she had to add something to the conversation as well.

"What is it, then?" Robin asked. Emma noticed a hint of worry on his face, whereas Marian just held the same frustrated look on her face.

Both Regina and Emma kept quiet for a moment. Neither of them didn't know how to bring this to the couple. Emma mostly because she feared that she would screw things up, and Regina because she was terrified of Robin's reaction.

That she hadn't told them before wasn't all their fault. She didn't really want to tell them as she feared that they wanted to interfere in their lives. If they were people she actually liked, she would have been okay with that.

But she didn't want Henry around these people. Regina hadn't even told Emma half of the things Robin had done and still did. He maybe seemed kind at first, but behind that sickening smile of his, were the darkest secrets.

"You're my father," Henry suddenly said, breaking the silence and causing Emma's heart to pound loudly. She was immensely worried, because she didn't know how both Marian and Robin would react. Even though Henry wasn't her kid.

Regina sat on the chair and gestured Henry to come sit on her lap. Henry did as she signed and she ran his hand through his hair as she waited for the response Robin would give. Henry's head lay on her chest and he looked up at his mom, hoping that she wouldn't be mad that he'd told Robin.

"Woah, that is, uhm," he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Both he and Marian sat on the couch next to Emma. Henry had been sitting in one of the chairs, but was now on Regina's lap.

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