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Seoul, South Korea
Big Hit Entertainment
November 13,2023

Dear My Beloved K,

Hey, K! Are you happy now?

It's November now.

Did you and your group suprised your fans like what you did every halloween?

I hope you do so,

I always watch your group's performance.

I was happy that you always smile.

Sorry for breaking your heart.

I was really sorry.

I hope that you forgave me now.

I know that I messed up.

I still love you though.


Did you aleady told to your fans that you two are already together?

I want to know their reactions.

Many of your fans really ship you to him.

What's you shipname again?



It's a nice ship name though.

But ours are the most beautiful ship name.

Sorry for bringing it up.

Be Happy :)

Yours Truly,

Are You Happy Now? ⓣⓐⓔⓖⓘDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora