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Sad News For The Nightingale Family.....

It was Christmas Eve (December 24) 2014.... My Sister Lacey and her kids, my favorite children Faye and Travis come over to me for dinner because there was simply no one else left. My Mom (Stella) and Dad (Tye) past away 3 years ago at old age, they both died together, it was my Sister, Me and my Brother, the three of us for a year until 2013 came along, that was another bad year for us because we lost my Brother (Joseph) he died in a motor cycle accident only at aged 22.
Speaking of our family members Lacey divorced her Husband Gareth a year ago that very day she said Gareth is unsafe to be around he used to beat her and get the kids would be in a terrible state.
The four of us prayed for them until my sister Lacey starts to pass out on the floor.
Faye: "MAMA!"
Travis: "Mom? Mom? Wake up"
I quickly dial 911 and they rush her into hospital right away and I took care of the kids until they said it was ok to come the hospital, I took Faye and Travis with me.
Faye and Travis were outside crying while I was talking to my sister Lacey, I remember the day like it was yesterday.
Me: "Lacey"
Lacey: "Yeah?"
Me: "If it doesn't work out as planned then what's your will?"
Lacey: "I'm then gonna leave you to everything, The House, The Sentimental values even including Faye and Travis, you will then have custody of them because I can't trust Gareth but hopefully I will make it out of here alive"
Me: "There's no hopefully about it, you will, them kids believe in you and so do I, your a fighter Lace, we believe you can get through this"
Faye and Travis then stay by their Mother's side and they don't leave her side for quite sometime now and when she took her final breath that was it, I completely cried my eyes out.
I have lost everyone, the only people I have left in my life is my favorite kids, I promised Lacey before she died that if she doesn't make it then I will be there for them each and every day until they are old enough to lead their own lives but if they ever need me, I'm always there for them no matter what.
Faye: "Why does this keep happening to us?"
Travis: "It doesn't happen to anyone else, it's not fair"
Me: "I know kids, I know"
I hugged them both and told them that everything will be ok, I feel like the bad one because I said she will make it but she didn't that's the most devastating part for me, even upon Christmas too, this is just the worst ever.
Travis: "Aunt Penelope?"
Me: "Yes Travis?"
Travis: "Who is taking care of us? Dad or you? Please say you"
Me: "Well it's gonna have to be me because your Dad is not allowed custody of you and I can't let you both be put in horrible places where you don't want to be, it will haunt me forever if that happens, I promise I will give you both the life you both deserve"
Travis: "Your the best Aunt Penelope"
Faye: "We love you"
Me: "I love you both too"
The Funeral took place 2 months later and she was buried with my Mom, Dad and Brother.
However Gareth is still alive and I'm worried that if he finds out Lacey has died then he will take me to court and get custody of the kids, I just can't let it happen. 
Everything is down to me now and one day when I came home from work I see a eviction notice on my door and I get worried sick and Travis looks at me.
Travis: "Are you ok Aunt Penelope?"
Me: "I'm ok Travis, you and Faye just go inside"
I took down the eviction notice and my job doesn't pay me too much, it's just not enough, my boss is a crank,I have to leave the kids with a group who takes care of kids while I'm at work and I find each and everyday ridiculous each time it passes by, My Boss never believes me when I say I have an emergency at home which is why I always have to stay 9-5 each day except weekends.
When will I get any luck? Probably never, this is just so bad, I'm in a crisis and I need help or a miracle right now, I need it fast before it's too late.

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