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A Saving Grace.....

Earlier this year I remember saving some woman's life after her breathing difficulty but she never ever found me, it's weird because I have been all over Tv as of late especially with court going on was even on papers and this man approached me asking me if I was "Penelope Nightingale".
Me: "Yes, I'm Penelope"
The gentleman thanked me for saving his Mother's life at that time of the accident and he found it hard to find me but I don't know why when I've been everywhere.
I visited his Mother in her house and she was giving me all kinds of rewards and everything and I just looked at her and she was like "you must accept this, you saved my life".
Me: "I did what anyone else would've done I can't accept that"
The Lady: "No, It's not what anyone else would've done, most people walk away and leave you to suffer now a days so they are not caught in the act, what you did was brave"
Me: "I know and your welcome, I'm glad that you are getting better"
The gentleman smiled, he's glad that he found me now and it took him months to find me and now he's found me he is relieved, all I am is a lady who appears on WWE Tv and featuring on Total Divas with Two children who are not mine but I offer to take care of and I saw something was wrong, as far as I'm aware I did the right thing.
Since I've been really close with this family, I've been ever so close with my friends although they are my colleges too and I just love my job and everything, I feel blessed now then I did back then, I can say that I did get lucky indeed.
Alex: "So that family found you?"
Me: "Yeah"
Alex: "Did you accept that reward?"
Me: "No, the woman needs things more than I do"
Alex: "That's true I suppose"
Me: "Yeah the only thing I needed was a job and I've got one and now my house is not being threatened with eviction notices anymore"
Alex: "That's great"
Me: "I know"
We were walking our Dogs, my Dog is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and I named her Lady, yes like of Lady and The Tramp, she gets along with my Cat (Marie) and everything us good between them.
Alex: "You have a cat?"
Me: "Yes, she eats the Dog food and this one loves the Cat food"
Alex: "Must be a bit of a pain"
Me: "I'm used to it"
Alex: "That's good"
Lady and Alex's Dog Sid are good with each other and I've taken my Dog out with the other Girls' Dogs too and they are all great with mine too and it's just easier for me now, it was harder back then, my job ain't easy but life is easier now and it just gets better each time.

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