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(pic is Melanie)

(also fair warning-this entire story has a trigger warning on it. suicide, self-harm, and bullying/abuse lie ahead)

I look down, head drooping. The words being flung by my human classmates burn me, scorching away at my self.

"Idiot monster. Why they even let you into this school is beyond me. You are nothing but an unwanted freak!"

I want to cry out, to scream, to let my magic take its revenge. But I can't.

"Look at me!" One of them shouts, and her hand leaves a dark mark on my cheek. It hurts, and I know she means me harm. I meet her eyes reluctantly. "That's better." she snarls.

The pack groups around me, baying for my blood, for my dust to spill across the ground. The biggest of them shoves me and I stumble, crumpling to the ground. He laughs and kicks me in the stomach. I grunt.

"Whimp!" hisses one. "Crybaby!" Another lashes out.




I curl into a ball, trying in vain to protect myself from their blows, physical and psychological alike. I can see splatters of silver-blue liquid spill across the ground. My lifeblood.

They snarl and fight, beating me for what feels like hours. I lose consciousness a few times.

It's okay though.

I deserve it.

They finally get bored and wander off with a few last insults. It takes me a few moments to gather myself enough to stand. I wave my hand.

A plume of water congeals from the air. I guide it over my wounds, cleaning them as best I can. I embrace the sting it brings.

I deserve it.

I stumble back towards the Monster Orphanage. On my way, I spot a deep well.

For a moment, I consider jumping into it, drowning myself in my own element, dying, finally, at home.

I dismiss the possibility immediately. It wouldn't work. Instead, I gaze into the calm surface for a few moments. The girl staring back at me is strange, beaten and broken, bleeding blue from her lip and numerous cuts all over her body. Her sleeves have ripped, and if one looked they could see that not all of the wounds were made by others.

I am Melanie, and I am a nymph, a class of humanoid monster that has abilities over a certain natural element. I am a naiad, and so my magic is that of water. I can feel the tug of the liquid in the well.

It clears, and I can see coins at the bottom.

A wishing well.

I hesitate, then pull out the only coin I have. I don't have anything to lose by making a wish, do I? Except for my only G, of course.

I drop it in.

I wish someone would save me.

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