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"wait wait wait wait hold up there don't do that let's not" 

Someone snatches the blade from my grip. I glance up, startled and afraid. I want to say something, maybe 'what are you doing here' or 'who in Poseidon are you' or even cry, but I can't.

The person standing in front of me is a short skeleton dressed in blue and yellow. They have a golden circlet on their head that alone is probably worth more than the whole street the orphanage is on. 

Their eye-sockets are wide, and looking right at me in.. fear? Concern? All of the above? None? I don't know.

I find my voice. "W-who are you? Why are you in my room?"

They flush gold and yet manage a real smile. "I'm Dream! I heard you calling, and I felt you needed help. What's your name?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "...Melanie. Can I have Reuma back, please?" I ask. I'd extend an arm for it, but he might notice the shaking.

Dream looks confused for a moment. "Wha- Oh, you mean this?" he holds up the knife and I nod. "Her name's Reuma. My mother gave her to me."

He frowns and shakes his head. "I can't give her back to you. You might hurt yourself, and I really don't want that. But I can keep her safe for you!"

I growl and clench my fists. Spiral, jagged-edged feathers of water congeal from the air all around the intruder. I know my eyes are glowing solid blue. "Drop her, and leave. I did not ask you to come here and get in my way!"

He looks surprised. "But you did! Remember? You made a wish."

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