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Dream guided me away from my broken home. I refused to even look at him. 

How DARE he? He can't be any older than me-from his stature I'd put him at around eleven, and his behavior is pretty naive... though he does act a lot older. 

Besides. He can't just take me like property! I don't care how old or kind or important he is! I am not his! 

Madame Je'suis didn't even put up a fight.

Dream broke me out of my thoughts. "Hey, um, Melanie?"

"What?" I snap tiredly. "I'm sorry for what I did back there. I just want you to have a better life. You will probably have to stay with me and my friends for a little while. Is that okay?" His eyes were pleading but hopeful.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" I mumblegrumble (I named our lawnmover Mumblegrumble and just had to use it I'm sorry). "Can't you just let me go?"

Dream looks conflicted. "I want to, I really do, I just... I don't want you to get hurt."

For some reason, this angers me. I turn on him.

"Oh yeah? So what! You don't know me; you don't care about me! You can't, and you shouldn't. Just let me go!"

Dream flinches. I am shaking, overwhelmed by a tidal wave of misery and self-hatred. Only my anger allows me to remain standing, but it's not directed at him or Madame Je'suis, or anyone else. It's directed at me.

Before I know it, his arms wrap around me. He radiates warmth. "I do care though. I know you might not be able to see it yet, but you are amazing. You are a special gift to the multiverses. I may not know you, but I still care about you. You're worth it, okay?"

(That goes for you too, depresso-expressos)

I break down and cry into his shoulder.

When I finally get ahold of myself, Dream guides me forwards. I should be nervous about the secluded location he brings me to, but I don't care.

Dream reaches forwards and opens a portal. I gasp and step back, startled and in awe. "Y-you"

He nods, smiling. "Are you ready to meet my friends?"

(I'm so upset with myself. I hate the way I'm playing Dream. I can't seem to stay in-character. He's honestly more like uncorrupted Nightmare honestly. Help)

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