12, hard, years later

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 Czw to Fcw to Nxt... Now we're here. Some 27 year-old bestfriends making a name for themselves. Let me catch you up on our personalitys. He's a lunitic. I'm a psycho. We formed a group called the Shield along with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Just think about it, a high-flyer, a powerhouse, a lunitic, and psycho! I jumped up and down with excitment. We get to debut at Survivor Series tonight! 

We appered out of nowhere, attacking ryback. We beat the utter hell out of him. He fell out of the ring as we went for th Triple Power Bomb. But instead of the one you see normaly, I do a flying elbow as they Triple Power Bomb him. That's our version. I can't help but break character to smile psychoticaly. We put our fist together,and walked out. As we got backstage, I screamed happily. We all group hugged, before we broke down. Crying happy tears. We did it. We made it up to the main roster. I wiped my tears on the back of my hand. Jon grabbed my face, roughly. 

"We did it! We don't have to starve anymore, My." (My, is Mya's nickname)

He let my face go. I smiled, lightly pushing his sholder. "Let's go grab some beers. I'll cover."

Dean kissed my cheek, in a brotherly way, before running to our locker room. I laughed with Joe and Colby. 

"You know, he really does love you." Joe said quietly

"Yeah, he really does." Colby said softly

I smiled "I know. I love him too." I responded

They both had this look on their faces like he had just proposed to me, or some shit.

"Ew. Way to soppy." I said, before running down the hall towards the locker room


I layed back on the hotel room bed. Jon layed on top of me.

"Nooooo.."I whined

"You're fucking heavy" I complained

"Hey! Don't call me fat." He said, getting up, and crossing his arms

I sat up "I'm not calling you fat. You have to remember, you're a god-damn body builder."

He flexed his arm, causing me to laugh. Joe walked in with Colby.

"Sup., love-birds." Joe said

"Ok, that was really cute to watch." Colby said

I pretended to gag myself. "Joe, you just upset that you don't have Galina here to fuck."

Joe's face went red, remembering what happened.

"Should we retell that story?" Colby asked, smirking

"N-" Joe began to say

"I think we should!" Jon said, cutting him off

We all sat down on the bed. While Colby stood in front of the room, retelling the story. 

"So one day.." Colby said, throwing his hands up

".. Joe decided to take his girl into OUR room, throw her onto the bed, and fuck her recklessly." Colby began

We all started laughing as Joe's face went redder. I leaned my head onto Jon's sholder.

"So me, Jon, and Mya are in the room below hanging out with Austin, and we here something banging around. So we, being great friends, want to see what's happening. As we approach the door, we hear gasping. So we think Joe is dying or some shit. I unlock the door, we bust in, just to see a naked Joe and Galina. And her giving him a bj." 

"To be fair, you guys weren't supposed to be back yet." Joe said, defending himself

I rolled my eyes "Get your own room to do that stuff." 

I got up, Jon behind me. I see all them look at Jon and start laughing. 

"What?" I asked

I look behind me to see Jon just looking away from my ass.

I punched him in the arm, lightly. "Perv..." I muttered under my breath

I got changed... and went to bed.

Broken BodyGuard (Dean Ambrose x Mya Max)Where stories live. Discover now