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"Mr.Ambrose. As of recent rumor, we've heard that Renee Young algiedly cheated on you with Dolph Ziggler. What do you have to say about those rumors." a backstage reporter asked

I saw Dean tense up. "Yeah.. She did. Its been a process but I've had my little lunitic by my side to help with healing." He tilted his head towards me

The camera panned to me; the crowd erupted. I smiled.

"Rumors also have assumed that since the breakup Mya and you have gotten closer than friends.."

Dean smiled as a light blush brushed his face. My insides jumbled but I kept me cool.

He ran his hand through his hair "Uh.. No. Honestly, I dont understand why people feel they have the right to presure people into a realationship. But, we are more than friends. We're best friends. We've been together through it all."

The reporter nodded "Thank you two for your time."


We sat in Deans house in Nevada. We simply watched movies and ate salads untill he moved closer to me. I looked up from my phone, confused. He looked away.

"Deano, whats up?" I asked

"Huh? Nothing." He said, in his lying tone of voice

I rolled my eyes "You're lying."

"I mean maybe." and then it happened

A moment I've wanted forever. He looked into my eyes nervously before tackling onto me a kissing me roughly. I kissed back within seconds. After about 30 seconds, we let go. He rested his forehead on mine. I smiled. And he smiled back....

Broken BodyGuard (Dean Ambrose x Mya Max)Where stories live. Discover now