Never Mind Jon!

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Jon had been acting all weird today. I sighed and rolled my eyes as he walked in front of me.

"Okay. So what's up?" I asked, fed up with him

"Huh? Nothing." He said flatly

"So we get out of a match and you start acting all weird on me?!" I said, throwing my hands up

"Goddamnit! I didn't get into the bussiness to play patty cake, Mya!" He yelled

"What the hell do you mean!" I screamed

Luckily the hall was empty. 

"You act like this is all a joke! Dancing instead of wrestling in the ring. Purposly messing up moves to get the match longer! Jesus, why do you have to be so blind about life!" He yelled

I felt the tears rush to my eyes. "Never mind, Jon! I'll just stop caring about you. All I've ever wanted is this. Now that I'm here, you need to fucking stay in your own lane. I'm not here to play patty cake. So what if I dance in the ring?! You act like that shit is gonna make or break our carrers! All I fucking did was care about you! What? Just so this shit can happen? Grow the fuck up, Jon!" I yelled, storming away

Broken BodyGuard (Dean Ambrose x Mya Max)Where stories live. Discover now