How to help other people overcome negative thoughts.

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『 How to help other people overcome negative thoughts. 』 ✍  

« Here are ten ways to help other people overcome any sorts of negative thoughts. »  

〔➥Provide solutions to their issues when you understand. 〕

〔➥Be the positive person they want to see in this world. 〕

〔➥Help then focus on solutions without your help. 〕

〔➥Show them support when needed most. 〕

〔➥Make them change their way of thinking and bring one positive thing to their mind. 〕

〔➥Have them spend time with positive people. 〕

〔➥Let them realize that life is a series of ups and downs. 〕

〔➥Take them to give charity to homeless children. 〕

〔➥Have them recap what they did the entire day. 〕

〔➥Help them let go and move on. 〕

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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