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Emma was woke up to shouting from outside, her room being farthest away meaning she was the last one outside. To witness the sight, Marlon shouting waving his gun around. Clementine shouting back, "You killed Minnie and Sophie!" Clem shouted, the blonde girl widened her eyes walking over to the group. "And then you covered it up, so you killed Brody too!"

"B- Brody is dead?" Emma asked shocked, looking around for an answer.

"N- no that's not what happened, Emma you gotta believe me it was her!" Marlon exclaimed, he knew if he had Emma on his side then the others would be sure to believe it.

"What?" She asked, tears ready to fall.

"No I didn't! You did! He lied to you, he gave Minnie and Sophie away, just like he wants to do to me and Aj!" Clem shouted, Marlon pointed the gun at her.

"Whoa, Marlon!"



"What are you doing?" Emma shouted at him, "Even so, what's killing her going to solve?!"

Marlon looked around at the group, "Admit it, Marlon! Tell them what you did!"

"Did you give my sisters away?" The scared voice of Ten asked, Emma walked over to him. Pulling the boy into her side. She gulped, looking at the sight.

"No- no- she's a liar!" Marlon cocked the gun. Clem looked to the group.

"You know he did," She stared deeply at Emma. Emma slowly pushed Ten back standing infront of the gun.

"Emma no!"

"Move Emma!"

"What are you doing!?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Emma, step out of the way!" Marlon called, tears brimmed his eyes. He knew if he killed the blonde, no one would forgive him. No one.

"You can't just kill people Marlon, put the fucking gun down!" Emma shouted, she moved closer to him. Louis stepped up, along with Violet trying to get the gun.

"I- I- I just wanted to protect you all! I saved you! If I didn't then they would have come to the school, taken everyone!" Marlon exclaimed, Emma felt her heart hurt.

"You sacrificed them?" Emma spoke shocked.

"They were our friends Marlon!"

"That's fucked up!"


"Then you killed Brody, your insane!" Clementine said approaching him. Emma got close enough and threw the gun to the side, stepping back.

"What are you gonna do?" Marlon asked looking around.

"You have to leave, never come back!" Clem spoke to him.

"No!" Emma shouted, "We can't just throw him out there!"

"Why not?! He would do the same to you!" Clementine argued, she shook her head.

"What if you were in his shoes, would you want us to throw you out?" Emma argued, irritated that they would even try to kick him out his own camp. Emma was pissed of, for the first time the group had seen her annoyed. Well this annoyed.

"Yeah!" Clementine argued back, Emma shook her head in disgust at the girl.

"We aren't like you, we haven't lived out there on the road. He will die!" Emma basically screamed at Clementine. "Might as well put a bullet in his brain." Louis didn't like the way Emma was talking, it was very morbid.

"He can have a weapon, he can leave. It's safer that way." Clementine stated looking around.

"No, you can't just decide we are a group." Emma said, glaring wildly at the girl. Marlon just cried, looking at his group. Pleading with them. Ten and Violet looked away. Louis didn't take his eye of his blonde.

"Then we can vote," Clementine said. Emma shook her head annoyed with the girl.

"Please I don't wan-" Marlon began. He was silenced. For good. Emma's eyes widened her heart dropped, a gunshot rang out and Marlon fell to the floor. Blood covering his face. She looked behind him and there was Aj, holding a gun.

"What the fuck!" Louis screamed, looking down to his best friend.

"W- we have a first aid kit?!" Ruby offered, not knowing how to deal with this. Emma stared at the body in shock, she didn't know how she felt. She didn't know what to do. She didn't even move.

"Because that's really gonna fix a billet to the head."

"You just murdered him!" Louis screamed, Clementine had moved to Aj. Protectively. "Do you understand?" Emma didn't like this side of Louis.

"Lay off Louis," Violet said, sticking up for Clementine.

"Lay off?" He asked with a laugh, "We talked him down, and then they fucking killed him! What the fuck!"

"He's just a kid," Clementine said. "He- he-"

"What's to stop him from doing that to any of us? Hmm?" Louis asked. He was clearly angry, enraged even. Louis was seething.

"He wouldn't do that," Clementine looked around. Everyone stood in shock, except for Louis and Violet. Emma couldn't even move.

"How do you know? What if we do something he doesn't like? Fucking phsyco-"

"Louis!" Violet shouted.

"Because you didn't try to kill me, you haven't tried to give us away, and you haven't killed anyone you supposing care about. Marlon was a threat, he would give you up in a heartbeat to protect himself!" Clementine declared attempting to get someone else on her side. Maybe she shouldn't have tried to throw him out, then Emma would have stuck up for her. Her decisions had a massive effect.

"You didn't even know him!" Louis shouted back, that was enough for Emma. She stood up, tears brimmed her eyes. She stormed away, heading straight to her room. She was done for the night, she couldn't deal with this, too many emotions swirled around her mind. She sat in her bed, in her room crying. Just like everyone would do that night, even if Marlon did a bad thing, an evil thing he was still there best friend for years. There leader. And everyone loved him, even Violet.

Quiet sobs escaped her mouth. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, and her heart was beating rapidly. A knock was on the door, a moment later Louis walked in. Emma looked up, her teary eyes meeting his. The blonde just scooted over on her bed, Louis shut the door and walked in. He placed his jacket on her side, lying next to the girl. Both of them cried together, in silence. Emma grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers. He squeezed it once, she she smiled. It was a sad smile. "Louis?"

"Hmm?" He asked looking at the girl.

"I love you."

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