Kind of a filler chapter. The imagery in this one kind of sucks, but that might be because there's a lot of dialogue. Enjoy!

"Evan it's not even a date! Just two people getting coffee and talking about books" Michael protested to the shorter blonde boy.

"Nuh uh, MICHAELS FUCKING JEREMY!" He pranced around the room repeating that phrase as if he was trying to summon the devil. After 10 minutes of doing this Evan fell down on Michaels messy bed in exhaustion, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"You done now?" Michael cocked an eyebrow.

"One more time." Evan said in between shaky gasps. 'MICHAEL IS FUCKING JEREMY" The Filipino rolled his eyes and tossed Evan a spare inhaler that he kept stashed in his bedside drawer along with a shit ton of random pens and comic books.

"Don't fucking die" Evan took a puff of the inhaler, and held his breathe for a second before exhaling again.

"Wow. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." The blonde shot a grin at the raven haired boy letting his teeth show through the slightest bit. "Seriously though. You've been pining over this dude for years. You can't fuck it up now."

"Evan, my dearest brother-"


"Love you too bro. As I was saying I literally fuck everything up." Michael flopped back onto his bed, his dark hair falling delicately over his eyes in the process. "Literally everything" He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. The cheap mattress sank down a bit, and Michael slightly raised his head seeing that Evan was now sitting on his bed as if he was a father about to read his son a bedtime story.

"You know that's not true." Raven hair fell back onto the soft pillows as Michael lowered his head once again, scowled, and rolled his eyes. "And I've never talked to him, but this Jeremy character seems like he's understanding enough, and might have a bit of social anxiety his self." The Bob Marely poster on the ceiling loomed overhead. "So get the fuck up, and I'm gonna help you make that bitch fall in love with you."

"I fucked hate you." The Filipino grumbled, but rose up on his bed and sat with his legs crossed and a meek smile.

"So what will you be wearing to seduce this gentleman." Evan wiggled his thick eyebrows.

"Probably just my hoodie and some jeans."

"Fucking boring." The shorter boy groaned before practically leaping off of the bed and yelling enthusiastically, "Let me pierce your nose!"

"Fuck no." Michael deadpanned.

"Come on Mikey. At least think about it. The twink might have a thing for punk boys, and I know you want to be penetrated by him. Letting me penetrate your nose with a needle is the first step in that process."

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you."

"The world may never know." Evan giggled and thrust his hand to his chest dramatically. "But really, I pierced my ears by myself."

"Ohh, that's why they look like they were done by a crackhead."

"Think about it Mike." Evan sashayed out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

The following day Michael Mell walked into school with a nose ring. This was of course an unusual sight, seeing as Michael was the second quietest kid in the school, the first obviously being Jeremy Heere. He earned piercing stares from nearly every kid, and even a few compliments, but Michael only cared about what the quietest kid in the school would think.

All day the Filipinos stomach churned nervously, and his throat felt closed up. He could hear his own heart beat when Jeremy walked over to him at lunch. Even though Jeremy kept his eyes stuck at his converse Michael couldn't shake the feeling that the thin boy was mentally scolding him for doing something so rash.

'I like it." Jeremy was standing in front of Michael, lunch tray in hand.

"I-Um what? I mean e-excuse me"

"The piercing, it makes you look kinda tough, even when everything else about you is so pure." Jeremy smiled with a sunshiny dazed look on his face. The blondes cheeks flushed causing the spray of freckles that lay scattered across them to appear more prominent.

"Thank you." Michael whispered in wonder. "Thank you" He said again trying to appear more confident though his voice faltered at the end.

"See you later." He said, biting his lip.

"Of course." Michael flashed a peace sign and immediately scolded him self for doing something as lame. As Michael mentally face palmed Christine Canigula twirled over to him and sat across from him.

"A peace sign? Wow, you really are a mess when he's around. Rich told me about the 'date' that apparently isn't actually a date too."

"Oh God Christine I'm so screwed."

"First off thank you for recognizing that I'm God. Second off you are not screwed Michael. Jeremy is a sweet dude. Literally couldn't hurt a fly if he tried. You'll be fine. Just be yourself. You two are practically the same person. He'll love you."

"But what about the whole opposites attract thing? What if we're too similar." He pushed the palms of his hands into his forehead.

"Yes I was once young and naive and believed that theory." She leaned back and touched the back of her hand to her forehead. "Then I dated Chloe Valentine so pardon my French, but h*ck no that's not true."

"You're too pure Christine." The Filipino picked his head up off of his smooth hands and looked at the Asian girl sitting in front of him. Her hair was curly and bouncy, just like her personality.

"Ok so remember before you see him today collect yourself. Deep breathes. Be confident in yourself. He's obviously gay for you. Text me if you need—"

The bell cut Christine off, and she jumped to her feet with panic in her eyes.

"Oh heck I'm sorry Michael I promised Brooke I would meet her before 4th, um just remember that you're practically a gay magnet so you'll be fine he'll love you." The short girl rushed away leaving Michael alone with just his brutal thoughts and panicked mind.

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