Michael Mell, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your Squip.

Startled, I slammed the glass of Mountain Dew back onto my bedside table.

Don't be scared Michael. I'm here to help you.

"Where are you? Oh god, are you inside my head?" My voice hitched as I began to panic.

Michael, be more chill. Yes, I am in fact currently inside of your brain. If you wish I can take a physical form that only you can see.

"Yes, oh god, p-please do that." The air in front of me warped and shimmered until a slim, shadowy figure appeared in front of me. Dirty blonde hair fell over his freckled face, covering half of a piercing blue eye. Four fingers were shoved into his pockets, and his thumbs were twisted around the loops of his jeans. While he slightly leaned back the eye that was partially obscured by hair flashed blue and green for a second.

"Jeremy.? Ohmygod." My breathing grew uncontrollable.

Chill out Michael. Squips are designed to take the form of the person or thing that you were thinking about when you took it. Therefore, Rich's Squip is evil Kermit, and yours is Jeremy Heere.

"I-wha-Evil Kermit?" I dug the sweaty palms of my hands into my forehead.

Our first goal, is to well, figure out your goal. What do you want Michael?

"I want-I want to be good enough for Jeremy."

No. No you don't.


I'm inside your brain Michael. I know what you really want. You want Rich.

"No! I want Jeremy, I've always just wanted Jeremy." I stepped back and sat on my bed, resting my head in my hands with exasperation.


The Squip snarled as he grew more impatient.

"I know what I want, and I want Jeremy!"

Michael, think about it. When you met Jeremy you were scared and awkward around him. With Rich, didn't things just seem to click?

"I mean.." I trailed off before snapping upright to my feet facing the Squip. "With Jeremy it's different. I was so nervous because I was scared he wouldn't like me. With Rich I wasn't nearly as worried of his perception of me."

Fine. If that's the way you really feel, then our primary objective is to become better for Jeremy. You can sit now. The Squip chuckled.

I remained standing.


Oh, and in public don't talk out loud to me, just think to me.

"Understood." I warily lowered myself onto my bed. "So what's your genius supercomputer plan?"

Well, as you saw when you met Jeremy's friends today, they are quite popular. You need to become more popular.

I snorted, "Next plan, that's never gonna happen"

It won't without me. I can help. You need to spend more time with them, Rich specifically. You'll learn how to act around Jeremy.

"What is your fucking obsession with Rich? I don't like him. I never have, and I never will. I'm not doing this shit if it's just you trying to hook me up with Rich." I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn't look at this impersonation if my boyfriend anymore. It hurt too much.

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