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"You good Rich?" Jake asked me, and I shifted my position so that I was now sitting up in his lap on my bed. Not in a gay way though.

"Yeah, just thinking." I sighed as he ran his hands through the red streak of my hair.

Rich, this is in no way platonic. Get away from Jake, you're in love with Michael, remember? Kermit stood up and approached me from a darker corner if my room.

Sure, I knew I was supposed to end up with Michael. I mean, Kermit said that we were soulmates, whatever that means, but something about Jake was just so, different. I could talk to him about my dad and my whole dysfunctional family. Jake didn't just nod, and say sorry. He really listened, and he gave me advice, or sometimes just knew how to distract me.

Stop it.

But I couldn't, for some reason, Michael had completely slipped my mind and, I was solely focused on Jake. My heart fluttered, and I felt a blush rise on my cheeks as he continued to stroke my hair. I turned my head to the side with a content smile on my face only to see Kermit glitching in and out if reality.

"Yo, what the fu-"

"Rich, are you sure you're okay?" Jakes' eyes went wide when I bolted upright in his lap, still clinging to him.

"Sorry." I exhaled. "I like drifted asleep for a sec, woke up, and saw a bird outside my window. For some reason that startled me?" I let out a dry laugh trying to disguise the concern I felt.

"Okay." Jake simply stated, nuzzling his head into my hair.

What's going on?

R-Rich The Squips' voice broke off mechanically. Someone d-deactivated me-e

As Kermit spoke I felt myself growing faint. What does that mean for me? Will I die too? My heart jumped into my throat. I was usually okay with the thought of death, but here, in Jakes' arms, I was petrified of leaving.

N-no, only pass out f-for a bit. You've h-had me for a w-while so t-this may hurt. I-I need you to k-know I'm sorry. I o-only wanted t-to help you.

My eyes grew wide as my heart began to beat faster and faster within my chest. If Kermit was gone, my lisp will come out. Jake will hate me. He'll hate me.

I know I've b-been an asshole, b-but have t-to tell you something-g. You're not in love with Michael.


It was in my instructions to force you to believe that because that would result in more popularity for the botch of y-you. He doesn't love you either.

I felt tears prick my eyes. So I must really be destined to be alone forever.

M-maybe I don't fucking know. Maybe J-J-Jake. His glitching became more violent. At a point, I couldn't keep watching it. Even now that I knew Kermit was a liar, I trusted him a lot, and it was hard to just watch him fucking die. I couldn't be angry at him, not when he was dying. I turned my head and buried my face into Jakes shirt.

Y-y-yeah, d-definitely J-Jake.

I finally broke and sobbed into Jakes' chest at that. I nodded into his shirt too, hoping Kermit would see and know that I would take his advice.

Goodbye Rich.

I felt my body go limp in Jakes' arms.
"Rich?" Jake whispered, undoubtedly scared.

He's dead. I killed Michael. Those thoughts ran through my mind at lightning speed as I held him. Just as I was about to call an ambulance he stirred in my arms.

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