Chapter 2

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Uh oh he's sitting next to me. I turn to look at Alexa, my eyes popping out of their socket. She just laughs at me. Am I sweating? I think I'm sweating. I'll just not talk or look or breath in his direction. If I do that he won't acknowledge me, right? Wrong.

"Mr. Floyd you are late" Mr. Caplan says. I feel him take his eyes off me and look at Mr. Caplan.

"Sorry Mr. I'll come on time from now on to see this beauty" He smirks turning back to look at me. WHAT THE HELL WHY IS HE LOOKING AT ME


I try to stay calm but I hear Alexa snicker next to me. I whip my head to her I almost get a whiplash. She immediately shuts up. I turn back to Mr. Caplan.

"As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted" he says eyeing Brandon. Brandon just shrugs and the whole class laughs. Except for me. "Permission slips are due by the end of this week not later than Friday because we will be leaving Monday morning" He tells us. Good thing I'm not going.

"Hey" I hear someone say next to me. Ugh. Why did he have to sit next to me out of all the seats. Wait, I have to talk to him? No thanks. "I know you can hear me" he says again pestering me. I turn to look at him. "I've never seen you before. Are you new" he asks me.

I want to slap him across the face right now but I can't. I can't even move a muscle. I can't even speak. Good thing Alexa has my back.

"Are you dumb Brandon, she's been going here since freshman year, she even went to middle school with us" She tells him. He looks taken aback.

"Wait really, then how come I've never seen you" he asks me. I turn to Alexa to see what she will say.

"You know her brother, Lincoln" she says trying to jog his memory. It takes his some time before he has an ah ha moment.

"Ohhh Lincoln Guzman. I always thought his sister went to a different school or some shit" He says laughing. I mentally roll my eyes or at least I thought I did.
"Wow what was that for Guzman" he tells me. I did that out loud? Oh. Oops.

I blush in embarrassment, curse me for being so shy.

"Are you going on the field trip" He asks me. I shrug. "You know you can use your words" he tells me.

"No" I simple say.

"You are such a talker just like your brother" He jokes. Which actually makes me laugh loud. Like really loud. Like Mr. Caplan and the whole class is staring at me loud. Oops. It wasn't even that funny, why did I laugh so loud.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper to Mr. Caplan and he goes on to talk more about the trip. What is up with Mr. Caplan?

"Why aren't you going Guzman" He asks me. I don't look at him. He got me in trouble for laughing so loud and that was so embarrassing. "Awe come on Guzman. Talk to me" he whines. I turn to Alexa giving her the look.

"Don't talk to her Dumbass" Alexa tells him. Thank you.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want" he whisper yells at her. "And I am not a dumbass".

"You sure sound like one," she tells him.

"I am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"


"Can you guys shut the hell up!" I yell at them and everyone is staring at me once again. Oh shit I did it again. I am in so much fucking trouble.

"Miss Guzman come with me now" he states calmly but I know he is not too calm right now. Despite him being my favorite teacher and all he can be very mean when it comes to doing him dirty like I just did.

"Wait. Mr. Caplan, it was my fault. I was the one who told her to say that" Brandon defends me. I turn to him and he looks at me giving me an apologetic smile.

"Fine. You and Miss Guzman follow me" and with that, we were walking to the principal's office. Lucky me.

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