Chapter 5

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Alexa and Brandon were currently at my house helping me "pack." All they were doing is making a mess in my room as I pack.

"Why do you have this?" Brandon asks picking up my charcoal toothpaste. I grab it from him and throw it in my suitcase.

"it's my toothpaste" I answer. He looks at it weirdly but throws it carelessly into my suitcase. Why is he here again?

"Lilia you should bring this" Alexa says holding up my unicorn onesie. I snatch it from her hands as Brandon laughs at it.

"Very funny, Alexa," I say sarcastically. I finish up packing and head downstairs, them following. Landon is downstairs in the kitchen.

"Sup loser," Lincoln says to Alexa not taking his eyes off his food. Alexa sticks her tongue out and he looks up.

"Dickhead" She answers him. They aren't very fond of each other, I don't know why.

"You guys wanna go to the movies?" Lincoln asks me and Brandon only excluding Alexa.

"Hey, what about me?"Alexa says and he ignores her.

"I'm down" Brandon answers waiting for me to answer.

"Didn't you and Maggie have something planned today for your prom thingy?" I tell him and I guess he forgot because he then says,

"Oh, right"

I laugh because he sounds very disappointed about going.

"It's fine it'll just be me and Lilia" Brandon smiles looking at me.

"Let's just ignore Alexa," She says sarcastically. I go and hug her.

"Do you wanna come?" I ask her 1) because she was left out and 2) because I don't want to go to the movies with Brandon alone.

"Can't. I have a thing" she tells me.

"What thing?" Landon says. She looks at him confused.

"Why do you care?" She asks him. He then immediately starts acting nonchalant.

"I don't"  he states matter of factly sticking his nose in the air.

I laugh at them bickering and notice Brandon looking at me. I raise my eyebrow.

"Me and you?" He says to me. I get nervous just thinking about it. Not trusting my voice I nod. "Great let's go" He exclaims grabbing my arm. I get dragged by him and repeatedly say wait. He finally listens and stops.

"Can I change first" I say to him and he shakes his head no. Great I'm going to the movies with my slippers on. He looks down at my feet and starts laughing.

"Bye guys" I say to Alexa and Lincoln. They wave back at me.

Once we're in his car he starts asking me LOTS of questions.

"What movie do you wanna watch? Do you like watching previews? Do you like butter on your popcorn?" he begins to ask. I am taken aback by all his questions.

"Woah slow down Brandon," I say to him. He laughs.

"I'm just excited," he tells me.

"Have you never been to the movies before?" I ask him and he shakes his head yes while putting his seatbelt on.

"I have. I'm just excited to go with you"

"This isn't a date, right?" I say kind of confused. He takes his eyes off the road and looks at me. I guess you could say some part of me was wishing it were a date and the other part didn't even want to be here in the first place.

"It could be," he says smiling. I stare at him. He leans into me for a....kiss?

"No thanks" I pat his head and he sighs looking back at the road. I go to text Alexa.

me: what "stuff" did you have to do??

alexaaa🖤: lmao I had no plans

me: what? Then why did you say that

alexaaa🖤: so u and Brandon could be alone duh

me: why would we need to be alone

alexaaa🖤: ur so naive :-)

me: what is that supposed to mean?

I was waiting for a response to find she left me on read. Great. I look at Brandon. What did she mean we needed alone time? Why am I naive? Brandon turns up the volume and "Thank u, next" starts to play.

I don't acknowledge it until Brandon belts out the lyrics.

"THOUGHT I'D END UP WITH SEAN BUT IT WASN'T A MATCH" he begins to sing very loudly might I add. I laugh and him as he sings. "Come on Lils, sing" he asks me and I do so.

"Thank you, next Thank you next" I start to sing the backup parts while he sings the chorus. We continued singing until we reach the movie theatre.

"Let's go!" He cheers getting out of the car.

"What are we seeing?" I ask. And he responds with.

"A scary movie," he says spookily. I look at him in horror. Ughhhhh

"I hate you" I joke. He laughs at me while I crossed my arms looking the other way.

"Come on, buttercup," he says taking his hand out for me to grab. I look at it then at him.

"What's with the weird nickname," I ask and he looks at me.

"What you don't like it, sugar?"

"No I don't like it, sugar" I say repeating what he said.

"Oh well guess you'll just have to live with it, honey" he hollers while we enter the theatre. This will be interesting. "It sure will be," He says to me. Did I say that out loud? "Yep,
pumpkin" he responds. Ughhhh I hate these stupid nicknames.

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