[08] SPEAK

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   It was the next day when Carlton Drake walked in, Dora Skirth next to him

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It was the next day when Carlton Drake walked in, Dora Skirth next to him. The heels Dora wore clicked as she walked, allowing for Doctor Callahan, who was currently the only person in the lab, to hear their oncoming presence.

Carlton Drake was still young, therefore, unlike other CEO's, Carlton did not like to wear tight fancy suits. Instead, Carlton preferred to wear a simple collared shirt with a formal jacket, dark jeans, and converse. His attire was the same semi-formal wear every day, Carlton hoping it both made him appear more approachable and otherwise more modest.

Carlton opened the door for Doctor Skirth, Dora thanking him quietly while walking in, her bag slung over her shoulder. Lazily, Doctor Callahan looked up from his laptop, his legs swinging from the tall stool he was sitting at.

"You know, I truly don't understand how you go to bed so late and get up so early in the morning." Dora sighed, Callahan, smiling as he swung around in the stool, his white lab coat swaying.

"It's called, the magic of not having kids, my dear Doctor Skirth." Callahan leaned back in his stool, resting his elbows on the counter behind him.

"Ah, kids aren't too bad, Quinton," Carlton smirked as he walked in behind Dora, the Scottish man shivering overdramatically.

"I wouldn't say that, Mr. Drake. You don't want to jinx yourself and have some chick call you up all of the sudden claiming she's pregnant with your child. That's my worst nightmare, that is." Callahan stated, Carlton, rolling his eyes while crossing his arms.

"That is not going to happen anytime soon, because unlike you, I do not have one night stands every single night," Carlton said proudly, Callahan only smiling.

"You should try it, you know what they, sex is a healthy lifestyle-" Callahan was cut off by Dora piping in from where she was plugging in the charger for her laptop.

"I have actually never heard anyone say that..." She said, Carlton, nodding in agreeance with her.

"Yeah, me neither, where do you even hear things like that--?" Carlton got off by Quinton who was shaking his head.

"Besides, you're still young, how often do you even have sex? Once a week, every month, every six months, or perhaps it's every year--"

"Nope, I am definitely not talking about my sex life with my employee, not happening." Carlton waved his hand, Dora laughing as she logged into her laptop, prepping her papers.

"What?" Callahan mocked a look of hurt. "Oh, Mr. Drake, that really hurt. I thought we were friends, but seriously, having sex at least once a month, guaranteed to clear your sinus..." Doctor Callahan started, Carlton and Dora now positive Quinton was just making up shit.

"Okay, that is a lie. 'Sex clears your sinus', really? I would have thought for such a clever man, you would at least come up with a valuable argument for why sex is helpful."

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