Lazy day...

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I remember everything that happened last night, Gabrielle forced Leo to kiss her. The people having sex in the sitting room. Me crying upstairs. But I don't remember coming here into Leo's bed, and I don't remember getting changed into these pyjamas. Leo must of carried me up and I'm hoping it was Leo not another boy who changed me into my pyjamas. I looked around the room seeing nobody laid beside me,but I saw a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair laying on a blow up bed on the floor. His eyes were flickering so I decided to talk to him. "Morning Charlie" "morning Y/N" that morning voice though.


Y/N spoke to me first so she must of seen that I was awake. "Morning Charlie" "morning Y/N" with that I jumped off the blow up bed and jumped onto the bed that Y/N was laying on. "You ok?" "Yeah fine Charlie you?" "Bit of a rough night last night,I had a couple of cans of beer which I shouldn't of, I think you had a couple of glasses of baileys aswell babe" "oh that's why I feel so rough" "probably" we both giggled. "shall we go downstairs now? I think Leo is already down there" "oh ok" Y/N jumped out of bed,and we both made our way downstairs,forgetting I didn't have a top on. "Alright Charlie,morning princess" "morning my prince" "I made you both some Nutella on toast,I can't cook a fry up yet" we all giggled "thanks buddy" "thankyou Leo" "it's alright" we all ate our Nutella on toast which was so nice,you can't beat Nutella though.



"Leo i really can't be bothered to have a shower" "neither can i princess" "Leo" "yes?" "Shall we just have a lazy day babe?" "Yeah" I really liked having lazy days, not that I was lazy,just having the day of chilling,it's nice. Me and Charlie still haven't told Y/N about me and Charlie going on britains got talent. She doesn't watch it,so I think today will be the right time to show her,we was on the tv on saturday night,the day we met her. "Leo what film are we going to watch babe?" "I wasn't going to watch a film first,me and Charlie need to show you something" "ok" I grabbed the remote and out on britains got talent through catch up and forwarded it to mine and Charlie's audition. Me and Charlie just laughed at Y/N's reaction. Her mouth formed a 'o' shape,me and Charlie was in fits the audition was finished and Y/N was in tears,mine and Charlie's filling up too. "Your serious?" "Leondre Devries,my boyfriend and Charlie Lenehan my bestfriend auditioned for britains got talent and got Simons golden buzzer, this is amazing,I'm so proud of you both" "thankyou princess" "thankyou Y/N" me Charlie and my princess had a group hug. "So what film are we going to watch now then Leo? Are do you have anything else to show me?" We all laughed "we could watch The cabin in the woods?" "Yeah sure" I went and made the popcorn and by time I had finished that the ads on the movie had finished. I sat in the middle of the three seater,and snuggled up to Y/N,my arm around her waist and her head in my chest. I love this position. While Charlie was on the right of me on his phone. "Come on Charlie come and snuggle upto us" I gestured him to come nearer and he did.


I'm so jealous of Leo and Y/N. They have such an amazing relationship except from what happened last night,but let's not talk about that shall we? They are so cute together! I went nearer to Leo when he told me to,but I didn't want to go too close to them,I didn't want to ruin their cuteness and closeness. During the film I have to admit I got abit scared,but I tried to hide it. Leo got scared and put his head down into his chest. So did Y/N but she nearly spilled all the popcorn everywhere when she got so scared. I have to say I nearly crapped myself,but I don't think I was the only one. Y/N ended up falling asleep during the film,so she must of been shattered.. So me and Leo ended up just tweeting back our fans,and RT'ing tweets aswell. I can't believe how many fans me and Leo already have,we have nearly 100k just from our britains got talent audition. Life seems pretty good right now. "Leo shall we have a game on the ps4?" "Yeah sure,call of duty?" "Yeah sure" Yeah,Leo had an xbox upstairs and a ps4 downstairs,they have all the dosh!! We had a game of call of duty then went on twitter and done a twitcam,answering questions,reading out jokes,doing dares and answering truths. I really love our fans,and our families,and Leo and Y/N. They are my life.


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