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Me and Charlie-woo-woo are just chilling out downstairs watching the NumberJacks on cbeebies, while Leo is still upstairs in bed. Yeah we may be 15 and 13 but we still enjoy watching it! "Want some toast Charlie?" I asked getting up from the sofa. "Yeah please babe, Nutella too!" "Ok" I shouted as I walked through to the kitchen.

I put the toast in the toaster, and while it was 'cooking' i grabbed the Nutella out the top cupboard, and the butter, and the butter knife, oh and plates.

After ages of waiting, (I'm impatient, like very) the toast finally popped out the thing. I took it out and placed it on the plate. I started buttering it, when I felt a pair of hands form around my waist. "Baby do you want help?" Thinking nothing of it, I didn't reply and just carried on buttering the toast and spreading the nutella.

The hands were still around my waist. "Baby I love you".

Wait hang on! That isn't Leondre! I'm sure that Charlie!

"Charlie get off me!" I got quite annoyed with him. I grabbed his hands and threw them back at him. "There's your toast" I shouted as I walked through into the sitting room, leaving him in the kitchen. I laid back on the sofa watching NumberJacks again, while eating my freshly made toast. "Hey princess" ah there's that welsh accent i love hearing. "Hey Leo, come lay here babe" I patted the space that was available next to me. He sat down and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Y/N do you fancy going to the leisure centre to go swimming?" Leo asked while stroking my back. "Yeah sure, what time?" "Well I was thinking when ever we are ready" we both laughed. "Yeah fine!"

Charlie still hasn't walked in, which I'm happy about because what he has done is horrible for me and Leo.

Speaking of the devil. He had to walk in didn't he.

"Are you guys speaking of swimming?" Charlie asked as he walked in. "Yeah we were Charlie, fancy coming?" Leo answered, i wasn't gonna answer him when he done what he done. "Yeah I'll come, I don't mind going swimming, I'll go get in the shower now" and with that, he went out the room, and went for a shower.

Thank damn for that.


Everyone's had their showers and gobble-dee-goo.

Me and Charlie are waiting for Leo, as he is still getting ready. See it isn't always the girls who take ages!

It's so awkward down here with Charlie. We haven't spoken since we were in the kitchen. He keeps on giving me the puppy eyes and all that rubbish, but I just ain't taking it. It is as if he is trying to break me and Leo up. Me and Charlie were just sat in awkward silence, I was texting on my phone, while Charlie just sat looking at me. Ergh. I had to say something, I just couldn't keep quiet. "You got a problem with me texting or something?" He just continued staring at me. It's annoying now. "No, I'm just so sorry with what happened, I'm so sorry Y/N I swear I will never ever do it again, I just love you" I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever, I'll talk to you, but i havent forgiven you, it's gotta be something better than an apology" "ok I will try so hard you know" I just nodded my head and started texting again. Well I say texting, I mean tweeting people back, I had 7k followers now, so I was getting quite a few notifications.

Just after, Leo finally turned up. "About time" I laughed, went upto him and kissed his lips. "Sorry baby girl, I was playing a game while I was getting ready and I was addicted and I couldn't get off it" everyone laughed at him. "Ok Leo, we all gonna go now?" We all nodded and headed for the front door. "Bye mum" Leo shouted up the stairs and into the master bedroom. "Bye Victoria" me and Charlie shouted through.

With that we left and started heading for the swimming pool. Me and Leo's fingers were intertwined with each other's, I really liked it this way, I thought that it was really cute. I could feel steam coming out of Charlie's head, where he looked so annoyed. He was trying hard to hide it, but it really just wasn't working at all. "I'm actually really excited for swimming" i said, trying to make conversation. "So am I, I haven't been for ages though, maybe that's why" "I agree" Charlie said from behind.

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