Are you serious...

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my mum woke me up at 7am, it's so early. We only went back to school yesterday and I am fed up of the early mornings already. "Leo wake up its 7 o'clock" "alright mum" I stayed in bed for another 5 minutes, they were such precious minutes, and then got up to go and have a shower. I got out of my boxers and got into the shower. Soon after I was back in my room getting dressed into my school trousers, shirt, and blazer, with my tie, and undoing my top button after. That button strangles me to death! I got my hair gel and put my hair into place,that only took about 5 minutes then I was ready. I sorted out my school bag,went downstairs and ate my Nutella on toast. Mmm. Tasty. It was now 7:40 and Charlie was coming round for quarter to, so I rang my beautiful girlfriend up. "Hey princess" "hey" "shall we do what we done yesterday?" "Yeah sure,I just need to eat my breakfast then I will be ready and waiting for you" "okay baby,love you" "love you too Leo" I then cut off the phone call and my best buddy was here. "You ready to go Leo?" "Yeah, bye mum!" "Bye Leondre have a nice day" I shut the front door, and me and Charlie made our way to Y/N's house. "Leo can we go to Lauren's house and walk with her too?" "Yeah sure buddy" "she lives down Y/N's road anyway" "oh ok" we walked to Lauren's house,it was just four houses down from Y/N's. Charlie knocked on the front door of the house and within seconds Lauren opened the door. "Hey babey" "hey Charlie" Charlie and Lauren done all their kissing and hugging business while I was stood there awkwardly. They finally let go of each other. "Hi" I said awkwardly "hi who are you?" "Charlie's best mate, Leo" "oh yeah Charlie has said about you!" We both smiled at each other then there was such an awkward silence. "Right shall we go to Y/N's now?" I asked. "Yeah" well lauren. She's nice,she's cute,I think we will get on with each other,but I think I prefer my girl friend. Within about 30 seconds it was my turn to knock on the door! My girlfriend was soon stood there before my eyes. "Hey princess" "hey leo" we both hugged and I kissed her on the lips wrapping my arms around her waist. I suppose you could say that it turned into a snog. Teehee! "Ew Leo,Y/an leave it out guys!" We both let go of each other,with our faces smiling at each other's."sorry Charlie,it's part of relationships" we all laughed together.


so I have met both of Charlie's best friends, they both seem so nice,Leo and I think her name is Y/N are really nice,I think me and Y/N will get on really well,we both keep on looking at eachother and smiling. Leo? He's cute,his cute chubby cheeks,I just feel like squeezing them, but Charlie is perfect to me,so he's my favourite out of us lot. Charlie's dimples,his blue eyes,his smile that anyone would die for,and just him, I love him so much. Us four was all walking down the road to school when Y/N started talking to me. "Your names lauren. Right?" "Yeah,yours is Y/N isn't it?" "Yeah" "so what do you think of me and Leo?" "Your both really nice,I think we could all be such good friends" "yeah same, aha, so what got you and Charlie together then?" "Well it's funny, because it started when I tripped over and fell over his foot,he helped me up,then he walked me to my next lesson which was science,then we swapped numbers,and met at the school gates after school, and we was getting on really well then he asked me out and obviously I said yes because he is the most cutest boy on the earth,so how about you and Leo?" "Well it started when I was walking to Starbucks and him and Charlie were playing football,the ball came over to my direction so I booted it back to them, and it hit Leo,I went over to him and asked of he was already and he said he was fine and that we should meet up that night,so we did and then they took my to this really cute treehouse,then we went to Leo's for a sleepover,and during the night... Wait I shouldn't tell you the next part" "no please tell me" "but it involves me and Charlie" "me and Charlie weren't together then though so you might aswell tell me" "fine,well during the sleepover I went downstairs to get some food,and Charlie came,he said he had feelings for me,and then he kissed me,and we went back upstairs,then Leo looked sad,so I spoke to him and he said he was jealous because Charlie and me were getting on so well and Charlie had his arm around my waist,then Leo said he loved me,and kissed me,I pulled away because I kissed Charlie earlier on that night,then Leo kissed me again,and we stopped,them I dived in for another kiss. Charlie came down and saw us,he went upstairs and started crying,I went and sorted it out,then I went back downstairs to tell Leo that everything was ok,then me and Leo became a couple" "aw that's so cute" by time I knew it,we was at school.


well that brings back so many memories. Mine and Y/N's kiss. I have to admit that was such an amazing kiss, but I have lauren now. I really miss that night when I had my hand around Y/N's waist. The time we kissed. The times we have said 'I love you too bestie' to each other. I will always remember those moments,as such amazing moments. I still love Y/N I'm trying to stop but there's that tiny little but that's staying there. It's that little 1% that I love her,but I love lauren 99%.


Bye Leo,bye Y/N" "Bye lauren" they both said "see you later you too" "yeah see you too later Charlie" me and leo went our own ways while Charlie and Lauren went the opposite.




me and Leo were in the same class again,so we walked hand in hand down to the school gates to wait for Charlie and Lauren,but they was already there,snogging their faces off, with Charlie's hand rubbing and grabbing Lauren's bum. "Woah woah woah woah woah! Charlie seriously mate,maybe when your on your own,not when me and Y/N are around" "sorry" Lauren said as she blushed. She went so red. It was quite funny. "Shall we all go to my house tonight then?" I offered. "Nah,round mine tonight!" Leo said. "Oh cool ok" me and Leo walked hand in hand down to his hand,and Charlie and Lauren walking hand in hand,or hand on Lauren's bum behind us. We walked down to Leo's and we was there within 15 minutes.


me and Charlie were so excited to tell lauren and Y/N the news. First of all, we have been accepted into the alphadog family, with the manager called Blair and co manager was Dan Halawi, secondly and most awesomely,me and Charlie have been asked to go onto the ELLEN SHOW!! Yes the ELLEN SHOW! In LA! Thirdly,we have been asked if we wanted to take lauren and Y/N. Obviously we said yes! So I leaded the way of walking upto my room,everyone following behind. "Leo why is my suitcase in your room?" Asked Y/N "Charlie why is my suitcase in Leo's room?" Asked Lauren. We had already asked their parents,they said yes,so they brought their suitcases round. "Well that's why me and Charlie have brought you both here" "what is it" both girls said excitedly. "Well me and Charlie got Simons golden buzzer as you both know and..." I explained "and we have been asked to go on the Ellen Show,which is in LA, and you are both coming with us!" Charlie continued. "OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?"they both screamed "YES! We have asked both your parents and they have agreed,we are flying tomorrow and we are there for a week,so we get to skip a week off school!" I explained to the two screaming crazy girls. "This is amazing!" They both said. Me and Y/N had a kiss and cuddle while Lauren and Charlie did too. This is going to be amazing!


I can't believe this,we are all going to LA FOR A WEEK! This is going to be amazing!


I can't believe this! LA with the most PERFECT boyfriend in the entire universe,and the two most amazing bestfriends,this is going to be amazing!


LA,with the most amazing girlfriend,and two awesome bestfriends! This is going to be amazing!


LA with the most prettiest,amazing,cutest,best girlfriend in the world,and the most awesome bestfriend and his girlfriend. This going to be amazing!


I hope you like this chapter,PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! And I have tried to include you a lot more lauren! Hope you like it💖💖

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