LA here we come...

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I got woken up at 5am. Yes. 5am. "Baby we got to get up for our flight" I didn't get up for another 5 minutes. I never get up straight away. I mean who does anyway? "Princess you need to get up now,or I'm going to tickle you" "fine" but I didn't get up,I wanted leo to tickle me,aw he is such a cutie. 'Right I'm tickling you now" so he

did. He didn't remember that I was only in my undergarments,and charlie and Lauren was in the room. "LEO SERIOUSLY! STOP!" So he carried on. Charlie saw me in my underwear. His eyes were widened,and his eyes didn't stop looking at my body. "LEO STOP I'M IN MY UNDERWEAR AND LAUREN AND CHARLIE ARE IN THE ROOM" "Oh crap sorry baby" he stopped and placed the duvet over me. With that charlie and Lauren walked out the room. That was so embarrassing oh my. I finally got out of my bed and bent over to get my jack will joggers,when I felt a hand smack my bum. I heard loud giggling from behind me. I turned around and saw leo with the most reddest face,laughing so loud that he ended up sounding like a seal. "Leo!" "Sorry Y/N it was just too tempting not too!" So i bent over for the second time,and I succeeded with getting my hollister top without my bum being smacked. "Right then babe,shall we go downstairs?" "Yeah come on let's go princess" we made our way downstairs hand in hand while I was admiring his six pack that was on display. Oh my dayum. That six pack is mega fit.


wow. Her body is actually perfect. I couldn't stop looking and she noticed me. Her body is like woooow. I love he.. No stop. I don't love her. I love Lauren don't i? Yes. But I can't stop thinking about Y/N. she is like perfect. Body,personality,looks everything. I'm starting to fall for her , but I need to stop myself and I can't. I love Lauren. I love Lauren who is my perfect girlfriend.


It is now 07:04 and me and leo are ready and just sorting through our suitcases. "10 different tops" "check" "10 different genes or shorts" "check" "hair gel" "check" "bath stuff" "check" we went on and on for about half an hour and we was done. Until leo said something I wasn't expecting him to say "charlie are you taking condoms?" "What the fff..." I paused "actually coming to think about it,I might, are you?" "Charlie I'm 13 obviously not" "oh dear leo,your going to have to try it out some time,I think I'm going to take about 10 condoms" "10? We are only there for 7 days though buddy" "yeah but me and Lauren might hit it off a couple times in one day,or maybe I

might have to lend you one for you and Y/N to use" "oh shut up charl"


Crap. It's half 7 and I have only just got dressed. It takes us half an hour to do our hair. If your wondering who our is,it's me and Lauren! Lauren had already done her make up and was nearly finished with doing her hair,while I was still doing my makeup, not even had a start with doing my hair. I really couldn't be bothered to do my hair,I was just going to have it straightened and letting it down. "Lauren you know how much of an amazing friend I am to you" "yes? What do you want me to do for you?" "Can you pretty please straighten my hair for me" "fine,after I have finished my hair,I'm nearly done with it anyway" "thanks bae" "it's ok"


I had done my hair within 5 minutes of being asked by Y/N. We have got quite close, and I like it that way. I had put my hair up in a messy bun,and done makeup,which included applying mascara, eyeliner,foundation,and a bit of powder to my face,I tried to make it look quite natural,but I think you could tell that i have make up on. I moved onto Y/N's hair and straightened it as perfect as I could, I think i succeeded because she looked quite happy when I had finished. "Is that ok?" "That's amazing,I would never be able to do something as good as that,thank you babe" "it's ok" with in that moment charlie came in the room. "Hey princess" "hey charlie" I stood up and gave him a hug,they were so perfect oh my. Charlie sat on the bed,patting his legs for me to sit. I sat on him. "Ah, your bum is so boney babe" "I know sorry charlie" "so are you nearly ready then you too?" "Yeah we are both ready,well I am anyway,are you ready Y/N?" "Yeah,I'm just checking our suitcases" "right babe,I'm going to go downstairs,I will see you in a bit" "okay bye babe" charlie walked up to the door,turned around a blowed me a kiss. Aw he is such a cutie! "Right let's check our suitcases!" "Yeah!"


I think everyone is so excited about going to LA now! I mean I certainly am, and charlie is,as that's all he is talking about. Me and charlie were practically ready now anyway,we had checked our suitcases about three times by now, and charlie put his condoms in his suitcase aswell. Isn't he a cheeky devil?! Charlie just went upstairs and checked on the girlies,and he's just come back. "Are they nearly ready?" "Yeah they should be coming down in about 5 minutes" "cool" me and charlie just say there in silence,a comfortable silence though, while we was waiting for the girls. Why do girls take so long? I can't understand it,they look beautiful without makeup! I have to say I can't really stop moving myself around the sofa! I'm just so excited. LA. Ellen show. Wow. How life has changed since britains got talent!


Me and Lauren were now completely ready,we just quickly phoned our families at home. "Hi mum" "hey darling, I hope you have such an amazing time" "don't worry mum, I shall be sure of that!" "Good,make sure you stay safe" "we will mum" "love you and have a great time" "we will and love you too,send our love to all the family" "i will do,bye" "bye!" I cut off the phone call. "Right let's take these cases downstairs" "ok" so we did,we used all our strength to take our suitcases down the stairs. Huffing and puffing along the way. We walked into the sitting room a bit star strucked. There was so many people in there! Blair, Dan, Karen, Brooke, Victoria, Antonio, Tilly, Joey, Charlie and Leo. Wow where did all these people come from? "Hey everyone" I said awkwardly. "Hello" they all said back. This is literally the most awkward moment of my life. I went and sat on Leo's lap,while Lauren sat on Charlie's. "Right come on Blair, come on dan,let's get these suitcases in the car" "yeah" so Blair,dan and Antonio all used their muscles to get mine,Lauren's,Leo's, Charlie's, Karen and Brooke's, Antonio and Victorias,and Joey and Tilly's suitcases. They were all in and out about 3 times. "Right that's all that done,shall we get to the airport?" Blair said while getting all excited. "YEAH!" We all shouted back. Wow I didn't realise everyone was as excited as us! We all made our way into the car,or limo whatever you want to call it,with us all squishing in,the limo was massive,there was 12 of us all in one car,with Blair and dan in the front.


It was 9:47 when we got to the airport, I have to say that the airport really bores me,having to walk all them miles around the airports. Ergh what a drag. We went through all the security stuff, and those massive things you have to walk through that beep when you have metal on you. Well mine set off.

Embarrassing right?

I know.

So did Leo's. His necklace set it off.

And Lauren's. Her ring set it off.

And Victoria's. Her mahoosive ear rings have set them off.

And that was it,all the others got through fine,without having to be searched. It was 10:40 by time we had finished going through all those security things. Our flight is at 11:10 so we have half an hour to get something to eat, and then get to our gate number, we found out that our gate is number 23. "Leo where are we going to get food" "I think we are going to get Burger King baby" "ok,where's my kiss" "right here" we had a cute passionate kiss in the middle of an airport. "Ergh you to leave it out please" "oh sorry Blair" we both blushed. "I love you" "I love you too leo" we made our way into Burger King, and the bill came to £89.69. Haha 69. You dirty minded people! We all are our food and it went down quite well, I think everyone finished their food,except from Tilly,but leo finished hers off. Haha he's a cute kid. None of us had kept track of time,it's 10:56. We all downed our food anyway. "Can flight TOM367 please make your way to gate number 23. That is i repeat flight TOM367 please make your way to hate number 23" the announcer explained. "leo isn't that our flight?" "Yeah it sure is baby girl" "right then everyone let's go to our plane!" Blair shouted to us all. "Leo I'm so excited" "I think we all are" we both giggled. We made our way to the gate 23,the person checked all 12 of our passports and we made our way to the plane. We was all sat together in the back of the plane,the plane isn't really that big to some planes that I've been on When me and my family have gone to Mexico,Egypt and Spain and portugal. I can't believe that in 5minutes we will all be making our way to LA! Soon before we new it,the plane driver was already saying about how we are going to take off right now! I was so excited, I was sat next to leo, which i was happy about. "I can't believe we are leaving for LA RIGHT NOW!" "Nor can i princess" "I love you Leondre" "I love you too Y/N" our plane finally left the grounds off of the UK. And we was on our way to LA! "LA HERE WE COME!" All 12 of us shouted. This is going to be amazing!


Sorry if it is short,I hope you like it, please COMMENT AND VOTE💖

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