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Chapter 35



Harry's Pov

I wake up with a huge headache an a sharp pain in my head. I sit up, an realize I'm outside. Then the memory comes back, I slapped Leah. God I hate myself, always when I get drunk I do something wrong. I stand an up an wobble a little.I try an open the door but it doesn't budge. "Fuck..." I curse. I don't know what to do, I'm mad at myself, she will never let me see her again.

I sit on the porch an hold my hands to my head, I have no way in telling the time. I try an figure out what happened before I slapped Leah. It's all just a blur, I need to talk to her so she knows I didn't mean it. I stand up an go to the front door pounding on it calling her name.

Leah's Pov

I pounding, I sit up an look at my pillow, it's soaking wet from me crying. I get up slowly an go to the bathroom looking in the mirror at my face. My face is really puffy, my eyes are bloodshot red. My hair is a mess, my shirt is all wet. Im a mess. I make my way slowly done the stairs, I know it's Harry out there. I just can't see him right now. Im heartbroken, he slapped me. I know he was drunk, but I just need to recover.

I go in the kitchen an pour myself a glass of milk an a cup for Harry. I was crying last night because he wasn't there with me, crying because I was scared, crying because I thought maybe... I would never see him again. Tears slowly trickle down my face. I walk to the door an open it, I see Harry's face. Tears all the way down his face, his hair looking a mess, his eyes red an a little puffy.

Harry's Pov

She open the door an I see her. I literally get stabbed as soon as I see her. Her shirt wet as ever, her eyes way bloodshot an really puffy. Her hair everywhere, an she's still crying. Tears go down my face more just looking at her, I did this, an I will never forgive myself. Shes holding 2 cups of milk.

"Come in," her voice is so quiet I didn't think I heard her right, but she makes way for me to come in. She stands farther away from me, an hands me the milk. I sit on one couch while she sits on the other.

"Leah, you have no idea how sorry I am-"

"Harry, I know it wasn't your fault, you were drunk you didn't know what you were doing. Its just gonna take me a little time for this. How do I know that next time when you get drunk you won't do it again? I just need... a little space for a little." she says as tears go down her face.

"How long?" I manage to choke out.

"At least a week, I'm sorry." she whispers.

"No I'm sorry, I hate myself for what I did an ill never forgive myself." she looks in her cup an I set if down. Tears go down my face, I can't believe I did what I did. "Im gonna go get some of my stuff, see you in about a week." I whisper an walk up the stairs. Once I get in I lay on that bed an cry, I hurt her. I wasn't gonna argue with her saying how sorry, she needs space an I'm gonna give her some....

Leah's Pov

1 Week Later

I lay on the couch, with a cup of milk, tears stained on my face an tears still trickle down my face. Im wearing a long black shirt that's Harry's, an hasn't changed out of it for the week. My head hurts so bad I feel like I'm gonna pass out, my eyes are so red, if people looked at my eyes you would only see red. My hair is just one big not, I don't think I will be able to brush it.

I haven't heard from Harry, an that's okay he listened an gave me my space. I sigh an try an get up but fail, my head hurts to much. I pick up my phone an call Harry. It goes to voicemail. 'Its Harry sorry couldn't get to the phone, leave a message!' an the beep. Tears go down my face just hearing his voice.

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