Chapter Two: The Shadow Demon

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Shredder's P.O.V      (will be short)

   I have to say I was a bit unsure about the three helping me find my sons, but I could't careless right now I just care that My sons are back with me. I look at Leo, and see that his wound is still bleeding, "Um... Leo I think you should have that wound looked at." Said my son Leon, "Nah! I'm good, I'll live, remember I've had worse." Said Leo, I sigh as I remember that he was attacked as a child, and it left him with a permanent scar.

Leo's P.O.V

   I sigh as My brother is still telling me to rest, but I couldn't since I don't know when those Krang will come after us. I walk off, leaving Leon talking to himself, I jump a few roof-tops away. I look up at the sky to see the most terrifying sight ever... It looked like a women in sitting, I look closer to see that it's hair is messy, and it's hole body is black. Nothing scares me, but This scared to crap outta me.

I wanted to run, but I was to scared to move, until it slowly turned it's head at me

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I wanted to run, but I was to scared to move, until it slowly turned it's head at me. I couldn't make out the face, but I saw was two small glowing white eyes, I wanted to run, but I couldn't move my body it was like it had my trapped in some way, it then got up, and me. I was so dam scared that I forced my body to move, I turned around, and booked it. I ran, and ran, I didn't care where I went, I just wanted to get far away from THAT. My legs hurt, lungs on fire, I think I was running for an hour or maybe less. I look behind me to see nothing there, I stop, and take a deep breath trying to get air into my lungs, as I felt as they were about to explode. I the felt a hand on my shoulder, I froze. I look behind me to see that thing behind me, I was ready to pull out my gun, but once again I couldn't fucking move! "(OH! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!)" I thought, I  look away from it, but that was a bad idea. I was thrown into a wall, I grunt as I hit the cement roof. I slowly get up, as I feel like I had been thrown around by the hulk himself. I finally get up to be met with those same white eyes staring into my soul, I then felt a stabbing pain in my chest, I look down to see that it's hand was though my chest I then felt it pull it's hand out, as my body felt heavy, my ears were ringing, and all I saw was that thing look at something then run off. I am then met with a pair of emerald green eyes, I saw their mouth moving, but I couldn't hear a thing they were saying, my eye lids felt heavy, then everything went black.

Donnie's P.O.V

  We were looking for the kid for about 30 minutes, until I see a shadow looking thing on-top of someone, I look closer to see that person was the kid! "KID!!" I shout to which got that shadow's attention, it looked at us, and hissed then ran away. Raph went to the kid, and kept shouting things like 'wake up!' 'your going to be just fine'. I then thought we could just bring the kid to my lab so I can have a look at him, they nodded, but Shredder was unsure at first, but told him that splinter was in japan right now. Then we left to that lair, And once we got there I took the kid to my lab to work on him. After that I let him rest in the lab's bed I then went to tell the shredder that all that his son needed was to rest for awhile. "um...can I ask you something shredder?" I asked him, he nodded. "um...what was that thing that hurt your son?" He looked down, "that was know as a kage no akuma know as Shadow demon." He said, I was confused, but I didn't know what they were able to do so I asked, "they use only dark magic,  but they use it's full power." He replied, I then hear a crash come from the lab. We run over to see the kid awake, walking around, but when he saw us. "WHERE AM I, AND WHERE IS BROTHER, AND FATHER!!" He shouted,  I was then pushed out of the way. "LEO! THANK GOD YOUR OKAY!!" Shout the other boy, "LEON! THANK LUCIFER YOUR OKAY!!" I was confused as were my brothers, "Oh Leon here is an angel... literally." Said the shredder, Leon nodded, and then a white cloud appeared, and disappeared. I look at Leon to see that he now has a halo, and angel wings. "Wait...what about Leo?" I asked, I then see a black cloud appear around Leo, and then disappear. I look at Leo to see that he now has two black horns, black demon wings, and a demon tail the size of his body.  "wait...LEON IS AN ANGEL, WHILE LEO IS A DEMON!?!"Shouted Mikey, They then turn back to normal. "okay we've had enough weirdness tonight lets go to sleep." Said Raph, I nod, and so did the others. I then led the twins to a spare room we had, "um...sorry shredder we don't have anymore rooms.." I said, he sighs, and went to the couch. "GOOD NIGHT!" I heard Mikey shout before we all fell asleep.

Leo's P.O.V

   Donnie was it? Led me, and my brother to a room that had one big bed in the middle one lamp on both sides of the bed, and a closet. It was small, but it was nice.

I then heard Mikey? Shout good night so I turned off the lamps, and when I looked at Leon to see that he was already asleep

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I then heard Mikey? Shout good night so I turned off the lamps, and when I looked at Leon to see that he was already asleep. I sigh, and relaxed, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I'm being watched. Anyway I closed my eyes, and slept a dreamless sleep, unaware of the dark figure in the closet.  


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